"Who has Rubyjane right now?" she asked.

"The director or Ziva—they've been tag-teaming in taking care of her since we found her."

"I want to see everybody, and I really want to hold Rubyjane."

"Are you sure that seeing them all at once is a good idea?"

Abby raised an eyebrow, almost threateningly. "How else am I supposed to kill an hour?"

"Touché." McGee stood. "I'll be right back."

Much to Abby's relief, McGee wasn't long in collecting the rest of the team and Rubyjane. They'd set up camp in the waiting room and had made a pact to not leave until at least one of them besides McGee had seen Abby.

Leading the way, Ziva approached the bed first.

"I think someone wants to say hello."

Very carefully, she lowered the half-awake Rubyjane down onto the bed and laid her next to Abby.

The goth's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Rubyjane and gave her hugs and kisses, just wanting to make sure that she was really there.

"Hi, sweetheart." Abby whispered. "I'm so happy to see you."

Rubyjane sat up and looked at Abby. When her fog-filled brain registered who she was looking at, she lit up and the fog lifted.

"Mommy! You're safe!"

Abby undid Rubyjane's hairstyle and ran her fingers through the dark locks, making her hair fall to her shoulders. Rubyjane then laid with her head on Abby's chest, wanting to feel her heartbeat.

"How are you?" Abby asked her.

"Way tired."

"Then just rest."

Eyes already closed, Rubyjane just nodded and fisted the fabric of Abby's gown in one hand, her own way of making sure that she was there.

Ziva stepped forward and spread Rubyjane's blanket over the toddler. Grateful, Rubyjane sank into a deeper sleep immediately.

"She has been using that blanket all night." Ziva explained. "The director collected it, and a few other things while we were minding Ruby."

"Thanks for looking after my girl. I don't know what I would do without her."

Abby looked over to Jenny.

"Thank you, too, director. For everything."

"Of course, Abby."

Jenny stepped forward and gave her a motherly kiss on the forehead.

"Family takes care of family."

"Always." added Gibbs.

Abby looked to the others. "And thank you to the rest of you for everything you did in helping to find me."

Tony replied, "The director and Gibbs are correct—family takes care of family. I'd do anything for you because you're the closest to a sister I've ever had."

Next to him, Palmer gave a nod of agreement. "I don't have any siblings, either, but I totally agree with what Tony said."

Abby grinned. "Thanks, Jimmy. That's really sweet."

Palmer just blushed.

Chuckling at him, Ducky said his piece. "Everything I've been think has already been said, Abigail, but I am extremely relieved that you are safe, and that your children are, as well. Get plenty of rest, my dear."

In Case Of Emergency, Call AbbyWhere stories live. Discover now