Chapter Twenty Five

Começar do início

She put a comforting hand onto my forearm and rubbed it back and forth along the length.

"Do you want me to call Parker to come over, darling? I know he'll be just the thing to cheer ya up!" Sure, now after he cheats she warms up to him. I rolled my eyes.

"I highly doubt that'll help considering he's shacking up to my look alike as we speak, I bet."

Mom gasped dramatically and loudly. "What?!" She screeched. "How could he? Oh my poor baby!" She hugged me and asked how I was coping.

I didn't reply. I just sighed hopelessly as she continued to coddle and fuss over me.

"Mom, I'm fine. Well not really, but I just don't want to talk about it much." My voice cracked and my eyes stung as an image of them bound together by their lips attacked my vision. That was it. I cracked and let all my emotions out and my walls fell down, crumbling worse than the Berlin Wall.

I sobbed uncontrollably and made dying donkey sounds while I gasped for air. I closed my eyes, trying to prevent the tears from falling but it didn't work. All it did was show more images of them laying in his bed, him between her legs and kissing every square centimeter of her body, then afterwards they'd laugh at my obviousness and stupidity of actually falling for him.

"I wasn't good enough for him. He left me for the slut. I-I should've done something, anything. I was blinded by love and didn't notice any signs. I still don't. I just wasn't good enough-" I was cut off by a sting and heard a loud crack across my face.

I looked up at my mom glaring furiously at me. "I'm sorry honey, that was not child abuse, that was me making you shut up and actually listen to what you just said. You were too good for him. He was a lowlife and none of us saw this coming. None of this was your fault at all. Don't make any excuses for him because he wasn't good enough for you. Now I'm tired of you staying like a vampire in your room so get in the shower and dress comfortably but somewhat nice." My mother stood up and left. I hardly took in what she said from being so shocked by her slapping me. It wasn't a motherly moment, it was a 'get your life together and forget him' moment. Emma would've done the same thing. Hell anybody would have.

I got up and walked into my bathroom and stripped my hobo clothes off and got into the warm shower. I washed the day old make up off of my face and scrubbed my hair with my strawberry and vanilla shampoo/conditioner set. I turned off the shower and wrapped my fluffy, blue towel around myself, brushing my teeth once situated.

Once done in the bathroom I walked into my closet, but on the way I glanced at my window, the one that gave me access to look into his room. I had slid my blinds down to prevent light from getting into the room but I now opened them, giving into my subconscious and was surprised at the sight in front of me.

Parker was sitting on his bed with his head rested on his palms, his elbows bent on his knees. He was still wearing his tux from the night before but the tie was loosened and his hair was ruffled like he furiously ran his fingers through it many times. But that wasn't what shocked me. It was that Jake was in there, talking. I saw his lips moving and Parker shaking his head. What the hell?

As if they noticed another set of eyes they snapped their heads towards my window. I stood frozen like a deer in headlights, mouth ajar and still in my towel from my shower. Parker stood and rushed to his window, a glimmer of hope in his beautiful, green eyes. I yelped and slammed my blinds closed and ran away from the window, but not before seeing the crushed expression on his chiseled face.

I slammed my closet door and started bawling again. Why me? What did I do? Why was I so stupid?

I wiped my face on the towel and composed myself. I stood up and grabbed a random, black pencil skirt with black lace lining the end. Then threw on my undies and bra along with the skirt, I picked up a random grey blouse and slipped my feet into my vans. Every color I wore was grey or black, matching my mood.

That Green Eyed BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora