"Oh nothing, just really bored and are avoiding doing clean up work around the house." Liam sighed jumping onto the couch. 

"Well you boys have fun, I'm going to do some laundry." Riley winked at me disappearing into the other room. 

"You guys!" I whisper yelled at them and they looked at me confused. "We were just about to you know!"

"Oh mate, you should've said something!" Louis retorted defensively. 

"Yeah and if I did she would've been embarrassed and nothing would've happened!" I huffed sitting next to Louis on the couch. 

"Sorry Harry, didn't mean to, really." Liam laughed. We were sitting on the couch watching the top 50 best music videos when there was rapid loud knocking on the door. I pulled myself up off the couch to see Kaylee there.

"Is Riley home?" She asked out of breath, I nodded and she pushed past me running down the hall.

"Uh..." I looked at the other boys and they looked just as confused as me.

"No way!" I heard Riley scream and then more screams. What the hell...

"Uh are you guys okay?" I asked as they both ran back down the hall.

"Yeah fine babe, listen I want the laundry switched to the dryer and then folded, and then the dishes put away before I get back! Bye love you!" She said in one breath as she threw her coat on and ran out of the front door.

"Uh okay? Love you too...." I mumbled rubbing my head, I've never been so confused.

"Oh wait!" Liam laughed standing up. "I bet the found out about that sale at top shop, there's one that's closing and instead of everything being over 100 its all like less than 20 or something." 

"Oh duh, Eleanor was going to that." Louis added and I nodded understanding. 

"Well you guys are going to help me do all that shit." I chuckled walking into the kitchen.

4 hours later and I'm still trying to figure out how you fold socks. Louis and Liam both ditched me after about an hour of dishes, well 15 minutes and a whip cream fights, which I had to clean up.

"Babe I'm home!" I heard Riley call as the front door shut. I got up from off the bed and went downstairs to see her arms draped in bags. "It was crazy, I got you some stuff too." She smiled taking her coat off.

"How nice of you." I rolled my eyes laughing as I headed back upstairs, Riley following behind. 

"Aw, you actually did the laundry." She smiled, sitting on the bed with all the bags around her. 

"Yes." I stuck my tongue at her placing the last of it in my dresser drawers. "Could you have gotten anymore stuff?" I chuckled sitting across from her.

"Oh hush up! These bags are for you." She handed me two bags before digging into the other ones. 

"Why did you get me a purple dress shirt?" I asked looking up at her as I held the silky fabric to my chest.

"Oh right, Kaylee's mom is getting remarried and she asked if we would go to the wedding with her and Niall but I mean if you don't want to go you don't have to. I just figured, but I probably should've asked first." She shrugged looking up at me.

"Of course I'll go." I laughed pulling out about 20 pairs of socks and underwear. 

"Top man has great sales!" She laughs as I hold all of it in my hands looking at her in disbelief. "But look!" She stood up holding a long purple floor length gown to her body, the collar was a dark creme. 

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