Chapter 14

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Kyra was reading a book in the chair while holding Shadow's hand. He looked at Kyra's hand, and he smiled.

"I suppose I can play dead for a little bit." Shadow thought

Shadow closed his eyes, but didn't fall asleep. He soon opened his eyes again and turned his head to look at her. Kyra looked back at him and quickly moved her hand away.

"Oh, y-y-you're awake." Kyra stated nervously

"Yeah." Shadow replied

The two stared in silence for a long time, then Kyra spoke.

"Have any strange dreams?"

Shadow's face turned light red.

"Crap." Shadow thought

"Shadow?" Kyra questioned

"Um, no not really. I talked to my Inner Advisor." Shadow replied

"Oh cool, what'd he look like?" Kyra replied inquizzitively

"Like me, except with white stripes and blue eyes. You know, a less attractive me." Shadow replied with a chuckle

"Ouch, that hurts." Shadow's Inner Advisor chimed in

Kyra rolled her eyes, but in her head she was laughing.

"A Shadow with blue eyes and white stripes? Ridiculous!" Kyra thought

"So, what'd you two address?" Kyra inquired

"Oh you know, romantic feelings." Shadow replied

"You have a romantic interest? Who?" asked Kyra

Shadow's eyes widened in fear.

"Shit, what am I gonna tell her?" Shadow thought

"It's alright, you don't need to tell me. It's none of my business." Kyra added

"Phew." Shadow said quietly

The two sat in silence, Shadow tried to sit up bit the stitches burned his skin when he tried, so he lied back down on the bed. Kyra looked at Shadow empathetically.

"I know, I've been there." Kyra added

"It buurrrnnnsss." Shadow groaned

"Yeah." Kyra replied

Shadow whined and complained in protest until Kyra finally got up and got Shadow some pain medication and a glass of water. Kyra then pushed a button that made him sit upright while still in the bed. She ignored his cries of pain then stopped until he was upright enough to drink the water and swallow the pills, then she handed those items to him.

"Here, it'll soothe your sufferin' for a little while." Kyra stated

Shadow swallowed the pills and complained about the taste, not even up for a half an hour and she was already sick of his complaints. Kyra lowered the bed and took the empty glass and put it back in the cabinet.

"Kyra?" asked Shadow

"Yes?" Kyra responded

"Why were you holding my hand?" Shadow inquired

Kyra hesitated, then spoke.

"Because I was worried."

"Why?" Shadow questioned

"Well, wouldn't you be scared if your best friend was sudated, operated on and had the possibility of never wakin' up?" Kyra replied in a quizzical demeanor

"Yeah." Shadow replied

"Well, there you go then." Kyra added

There was a long silence. Kyra began to go upstairs when Shadow spoke.

"Kyra?" He inquired

Kyra stopped and turned her head to look at Shadow.

"Can I have a hug?" Shadow asks

Kyra smiles, she turns around and walks back down the stairs and over to Shadow. She bends down and hugs him, and he hugs her back. The two hold their embrace for a little while until they both let go.

"I'm goin' to get somethin' to eat, do you want anythin'?" Kyra said in a questioning mannor

"A package of crackers and some milk will be fine." Shadow replied

"Okay." Kyra replied

So Kyra walked upstairs and went into the kitchen. She poured a glass of milk amd grabbed a pack of crackers and headed back downstairs. Then she walked over to Shadow and handed them to him. Shadow pushed the upright button for the bed and began to eat. Kyra had a protein drink.

"Doesn't that taste bad?" Shadow asked

"No, not really." Kyra replied

Shadow continued to eat his crackers and Kyra eventually finished her protein drink. Shadow set the empty glass and cracker container on the bedside table and looked at Kyra. Both of them smiled. Kyra looked at her electric guitar sitting in the corner and sighed.

"What?" Shadow questioned

"I'm looking at my electric." Kyra replied

"You play?" Shadow inquired

"No, it's just for show. Of course I play dummy." Kyra replied

"The better question is, will you play?" Shadow added

Kyra looked at Shadow then at her electric, she got up and grabbed it and plugged it into an amp. Then she brought it over by Shadow. She strumed a few chords, tuned it to her liking, then started playing.

"I'll never settle down, that's what I always thought. I was that kind of man, just as anyone. I don't dance, but here I am, spinnin' you 'round and 'round in circles. It ain't my style, but I don't care, I'd do anythin' with you anywhere. Yes you've got me in the palm of your hand, 'cause I don't dance." Kyra sang while looking at Shadow

"Love's never come my way, I've never been this far. Cause you took these two left feet, and walts away with my heart." Shadow sang

"No I don't dance, but here I am. Spinnin' you 'round and 'round in circles. It ain't my style, but I don't care. I'd do anything with you anywhere." The two sang in unison

"Yes you've got me in the palm of your hand girl, 'cause I don't dance." Shadow sang

The two looked at one another, Kyra's strumming had slowed.

"No I don't dance. But here I am, spinning you 'round and 'round in circles." Shadow sang

Kyra had stopped all together, as did Shadow. They stared at one another for a very long time.

"Wow." Kyra said

"What?" Shadow asked

"Your voice, I've never heard somethin' so entrancing." Kyra replied

Shadow blushed.

"Thanks, but your voice is so much more angelic than mine." Shadow said

Kyra blushed.

"Nonsense, you're voice is better." Kyra retorted

"No, yours is." Shadow responded

The two chuckled. Then there was silence.

(here's the full song they were singing

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