Chapter 1

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Zzzffrrrooooooooooom! Sonic was zipping down the road at near sound barrier breaking speed.

"WOOOOO HOOOO!" Sonic exclaimed

Little did he know, he passed one of the new neighbors. Kyra opened the window and watched Sonic speed past.

"What in the heck is that?" Kyra stated to herself.

Kyra decided to investigate, so she jumped out the window and spread her wings, but instead of flying right at him Kyra instead flew up above the clouds. Then, in a matter of milliseconds, Kyra dived straight down towards Sonic. Once she caught up to him, Sonic looked over at Kyra whom was flying beside him at that point.

"Gah!" Sonic exclaimed as he came to a screeching halt.

Kyra stopped in front of him and landed on the ground.

"Um, may I ask, who are you?" stated Sonic in a quizzical demeanor

"I'm Kyra, one of the new people on the street. And you are?" Kyra replied

"Sonic the Hedgehog, and you're Kyra? As in Kyra Lee Vondergeist? The famous doctor who invented an artificial, um, for the life of me I can't think of it right now. But you're also a famous monster hunter right?" Sonic replied

"Yeah, and you're that National Heroin right?" Kyra replied

"That's right." Sonic responded with a smile

Kyra smiled back at Sonic and stuck her hand out to shake, not wanting to be rude Sonic shook Kyra's hand. Suddenly, as if on cue, Amy jumped up out of nowhere.

"Who is this girl Sonic!? Why are you touching her?!" Amy shouted

"Amy, she's just-" Sonic said before he was cut off by Amy, whom was yelling at Kyra.

"Who do you think you are getting friendly with my Sonnikun huh?! Don't you dare come near him again do you hear me!? Or I'll smash you to pieces!" Amy screeched as she pulled out her hammer.

Kyra looked all wide-eyed and freaked out for a moment, then she burst out laughing. Sonic and Amy looked at Kyra quizzically.

"You really think that I'm interested in him? I just met Sonic!" Kyra explained

"Oh..." Amy stated as her face turned a bright shade of red

Kyra and Sonic chuckled as Amy put her hammer away, once she did Amy laughed nervously and stuck out her hand to shake. Kyra smiled and shook Amy's hand.

"The name's Kyra." said Kyra

"I'm Amy." Amy responded with a smile across her face.

There was an awkward silence... A long, awkward silence....................

"So, I heard you're pretty fast Sonic." Kyra stated, breaking the awkward tension.

"Yup! I'm the fastest thing alive!" Sonic boasted with a smile

"Oh yeah? Well, I bet I can beat you." Kyra responded with a competitive smile

"You're on!" Sonic challenged back with a smile

"First one to the end of the road wins." Kyra stated

Kyra and Sonic stood next to one another.

"On your mark, get set, go!" Amy cheered

And just like that, Kyra and Sonic were gone. Sonic was ahead, but Kyra was pretty close behind. They both were running as fast as their legs would carry them, on their way running past Silver so fast he was spun around and he fell on his backside.

"Looks like Sonic finally found someone to race with." Silver said with a smile

Meanwhile, Kyra was actually starting to get a little ahead of Sonic! He looked over at Kyra and sped up, but Kyra noticed this and sped up also. They were closing in on the finish line.

"Alright. Legs, don't fail me now!" Kyra thought to herself

Kyra made a mad dash for the finish line, somehow Amy was at the end of the street already, but that didn't matter.

"So, who won?" Sonic stated eagerly

Amy looked at her camera as Kyra and Sonic walked up. Kyra was wiping her sweaty face on a towel that Amy had brought over.

"And the winner is... Sonic! By a nose! Literally." Amy exclaimed

"Nice job Sonic." Kyra added with a smile

Sonic smiled. "You too Kyra."

Amy looked at her watch, her eyes widened in astonishment.

"Oh no! I'm late for lunch with Rouge!" Amy exclaimed

"Jump on my back, tell me where you're headed and I'll fly you there." Kyra offered

"Oh thank you Kyra!" Amy said with a sigh of relief

Kyra turned around and Amy jumped onto her back.

"See you later Sonic." said Kyra

"Yup, see ya!" Sonic replied enthusiastically
Kyra took off into the sky. Amy looked around at the scenery.

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