Chapter 5

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As I slept, for once actually never in my life did my legs ache so badly. I huddled behind the small statue, not sure it would keep my body warm or dry.

They're all dead...My small hands rubbed the blood still stained to my face. When I opened my eyes I saw the statue I hid under for cover from the harsh rain.

"I'm soaked to meetcha", I said jokingly to the statue. Which kept's it's ever placid face from a response. I heard above the pitter-patter of rain. Small footsteps, that seemed to trudge through the sink-ish mud.

"I knew it!" Shouted a rusty old voice. "Boy get from behind that statue! That's their sacred property of Fong clan!" I stiffened. "I give you the count of three!" The man shouted.I stepped out from under the small shrine. The man looks older, not to say he was a wrinkly bag of farts and senility, but the kind who had kids, his face held experience I scowled at them knowing they were probably alive and they've already left this old guy. "Sorry sir," I mumbled."EH?! Where's your mother!" He stomped over grabbing my shirt. "She's probably worried sick! With you gone in this weather." I grabbed his arm trying to pull it off.

"She's not!" I shouted, trying to get from his grip. I wriggled and ripped at his hands. "Let me Go!"

"She Is! I bet she's looking for you, scared half to death wondering where boys at!" He dropped me when I kicked his knee.

"She's dead, and I don't have a father either! Leave me alone Stink butt!" I hissed rolling up and off the mud.

He then slammed his hand in a form of punch on my head. "What're you think your goin's boy!"

"I.. Don't" I huffed, my eyes watered. I was cold, wet, shivering scruffy looking boy. "Know where I'm going no more."

"Well, you're not staying out this rain come on" I picked me up, with me over his arm like I was some hog tied animal.

"What do you think you're doing" I shouted hitting his back. "Let me go!""I'm taking you home. No buts, what's, or Chicken-pigeon butts." I was about to scream before my stomach reminded me that I was hungry, tired, cold, and wet. Not all in that order but it was close enough for someone like me.

"So how'd your mom die." He asked I sighed.

"The firenation killed her," I mumbled. Tears were flowing, no matter how much I wanted them to stop they just kept coming-mixing with the rain.

"Speak up, it's raining. You expect me to hear your teeny-tiny runty voice?" He growled.

"The fire nation-" He interrupted me.

"I NEED YOU TO SPEAK LOUDER!" The guy bellowed. I got angry at screamed.

"THE FIRENATION ATTACKED, SHE DIED SAVIN' ME!" I yelled, tears or rain, going down my face. "Did you honestly need to ask that?!"

"I just wanted to know if you were telling me the truth, guess you were. Come here kid, you're cold I know it, so quit your poutin' okay." We didn't talk much after that. Guess we were left to our thoughts. I looked up watching the old shrine disappear from view. It looked like the rain pelted it till it was no longer visible.

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