Special friends -3-

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"Uh, excuse me a minute."

Noel waved me off. "Sebastian and I need to talk anyway so perfect timing." I hurried down the hall towards the bathroom and locked myself inside. I hit answer. "Hello?" I said tentatively.

I flinched when the yelling started. "Cameron J. Lance! Do you know what time it is?" I looked at the time on my phone. Eight thirty. Oh, I was screwed. "I have been waiting for you to come home for over an hour. I hope you have a really good excuse for when you get here. You need to come home now." She spent another five minutes lecturing me about how I could have been kidnapped... should have called her... made her wait so long... etcetera.

After she finished talking my ear raw, I left the bathroom and quietly walked down the hall towards kitchen. I unintentionally caught the tail end of Sebastian's conversation with his cousin. "...stop with the innuendos and the hints. He'll tell me -- if there's anything to tell."

I didn't want to be nosy or anything, so I made myself known. "Hey, I gotta go home now, but um..." I gave him a little smile. "I had fun and you're right. There's nothing funny about chicken fricassee." That made him laugh.

"Au revoir, Cameron." He said as he ran a hand through his hair.

I waved at Noel. "It was nice to meet you. Do me a favor and tell Alice she's an awesome cook, will you?" Noel smiled and nodded. I locked eyes with Sebastian for a spilt-second, then I was out the door.


I tried to unlock the door as quietly as possibly. I stepped into the house and looked around the foyer and saw it was empty, then tiptoed around the living room. Maybe she had gone to bed.

Maybe I could just sneak upstairs and...

"Cameron, get back over here." She called out from the living room. I sighed and trudged back into it. It was dark, I could just make out the outline of her in the armchair. I flicked the light on.

My mother looked pretty much like what she was. A slightly aged beauty queen. Her eyes gazed at me shrewdly over the Bible she was holding and I barely kept myself from shuddering. I didn't have her eyes. My eyes were a spring green. Kind of like a meadow, light and free. Hers were a piercing iceberg blue.

Come to think of it, I didn't really resemble my mother that much. I had her brown hair and her lean build... and that was pretty much it. We didn't resemble each other in our mannerisms either. When she met new people she was really outgoing and loud. She was an extrovert.

Me? When I met new people I would get quiet and shy. Totally introverted. It was amazing how we were even related.

She set the Bible on the coffee table. And motioned me to the front of her chair. "Cameron. Why can't you just tell me when you're going to be out late?" Because if I do you'll tell me to come home. I thought. I lifted and dropped my shoulder. Bad idea. "You know as well as I do that this--" She shrugged her shoulders. "--is not an acceptable answer. Try again."

I sighed and before I could formulate suitable answer, quick as a whip, she snatched at my chin. I flinched. Her manicured nails were digging into my skin. "What is it with you today? All I wanted was for us to have spaghetti night like we always do today."

Well maybe I don't want that.

"What did you just say?" Crap. Crappy, crippity crap. Did I say that out loud?

"I didn't say anything." I said quietly.

"Really? Well I guess I must be senile then, because I could have sworn you said 'well maybe I don't want that.' Where the hell were you today anyway?" Her eyes pierced into me and I fought the overwhelming urge to look away.

"Helping a friend with a project." Best to keep my answers brief and clipped.

"For about four hours?"

"He asked if I could stay for dinner..."

"And you couldn't call me and tell me that?" Now I looked away. She jerked my head up. "Eyes on the speaker. Just call me next time, that's all I'm asking. Why can't you just do that for me?" She exhaled and released my chin. "Go to bed. I'm tired and I have work tomorrow. And Cameron? Keith's coming over tomorrow for dinner so you can't go anywhere. You need to help me clean up." I stiffened.

Keith was my mother's boyfriend. He was the latest of many and I didn't like him. He just gave off this air of arrogance and he just... made me feel uncomfortable. But I didn't say that. I just muttered a quiet, "Yes, ma'am."

She nodded in approval. "So you do have manners. You're free to go."

I stepped out of the living room and made my way upstairs. I had a long day. I wanted nothing more than to collapse in bed and fall into a drool-inducing sleep.

And that's exactly what I did.


So what do you think of this chapter? Why don't you tell me in the comment section. Don't forget to vote, you sexy thang! *wink wink* Also, you know when Sebastian got that stuff off Cammie's chin and he felt a little shock? In Derreck's book Danny and Jake are playing chess and their fingers touch *shock* and Danny calls it static electricity.... wanna know the weird thing?

I wrote this before I read that chapter *le gasp*

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