"If Only in my Dreams." (sequel to "the day I met you.")

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Gwen's POV:

"Hey I gotta go." Toby said. "Okay talk to you later." "And hey don't pop that thing out before I get home." he said with a smile. I looked from the screen to the large lump on my lower abdomen, and I smiled. "I'll try, just please be home in time for Christmas." "I will be home of Christmas, and not only in my dreams." he blew me a kiss and logged off. I closed Skype and shut my computer. I leaned back on the couch and looked up at the night sky through the skylight. I heard April make her way down the stairs. "Hey girl how you doing?" "I smiled. "Good, better than last night." "Good! Can I get you anything?" she said heading toward the kitchen, "Some peanut butter, and smoked sausage would be amazing." I replied. April slightly laughed "Pregnant girl's appetites are weird." I smiled, "They sure are." While April was getting my food the door bell suddenly rang. For a second I thought, and hoped it was Toby. But of course that wouldn't make since because I had just got off of Skype with him a few minutes ago and he was still in Italy, and was heading for England tomorrow. April, just as surprised as I was, went to answer the door. It was Eric, I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't Toby, but like I said before that wasn't possible. "Hey." Eric said with a smile as April opened the door. "Jesus Eric get in here it's freezing outside!" As April grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him inside. April and Eric had been dating for about 6 months now. Ever since my wedding day when I told April that Eric had told me he liked her. She had called him after I had told her, and they started hanging out more and more. It took 3 months before he finally asked her to be his girlfriend officially. "Really freezing in LA, it can't be." I said as they both came to join me. "Trust me it's freezing out there, turn on the news and see for yourself." We all listened to the weather report. They were saying it was 32 degrees F and the temperature was still dropping, they were also calling for snow on Christmas Eve and and day. I couldn't help but laugh "Snow in LA, you have got to be kidding me." "Winter is just now starting getting interesting." Eric said. I stared at the snowflake icon displayed on the screen, "I hope this storm won't delay his flight." I said looking down at the floor. April put her hand on my shoulders, "Toby will be home for Christmas, he promised, and I have never seen him break a promise before." I looked up at her and she gave me a reassuring smile. "So Eric," I said turning my attention to him, "What are you doing here?" He held up a plastic bag he held a plastic bag he had been carrying, "I bring Thai food. I thought you ladies might be hungry." I raised and eyebrow. "Is that the only reason you came?" I asked, he sighed and hung his head, "You caught me," pulling out a box of peanut brittle out of his coat pocket. "Merry Christmas, April." He placed the box in her hands and she giggled. "Thanks, babe." She said giving him a small kiss. When I headed up to bed a few minutes later, Eric and April were snuggled up together watching Christmas movies.

     When I woke up the next morning , I rolled over to tell Toby good morning like I did every morning, but of course he was not there. I sighed, blaming my habit for once again reminding me of the absence of my husband. I went downstairs to the living room, where I found April making pancakes. "Good morning." She said happily, putting a plate in front of me as I sat down at the breakfast bar. I smiled "Good morning April." She made a plate of her own and sat down next to me. I stood up and got my computer, then I opened Skype and called Toby. When he answered I could tell he was in England, because it was afternoon light was pouring through the windows of where he was. "Hello,Love." He said with a smile. "Hi babe, how was your flight?" I asked "Good," He replied, "Guess who I'm with." He said as he picked up his computer and moved to a couch where my dear friends Felix and Marzia sat. I smiled with delight. "Hi Gwen." Marzia said as they both waved. "Hi Felix, Hi Marzia." I said back. "It's been so long we haven't seen you since the wedding." Felix said. "I know, I would of came with Toby, but you know this baby is gonna come out sooner than later." Both Marzia and Felix laughed. We talked for a little while longer, then Toby and Felix left to do some collaboratin stuff. I said goodbye to Marzia, and shut my laptop. Then I went upstairs to wrap any last minute Christmas presents. Today was Christmas Eve, Eve.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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