Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

                ‘I was angry then. I wasn’t thinking about what I was doing.’

                ‘Well let’s review,’ Andie said, and she had a twinkle in her eye so I knew she was going to say something to try and make me laugh. ‘You broke up with him by shouting at him that you were going to have sex with Dexter. And now it looks like that’s going to happen at some point.’ She was laughing now and even though I was embarrassed, I was laughing too. ‘Which just proves that honesty is totally the best policy. You gotta dump him, dude. For good this time.’

                I rolled my eyes. ‘Intellectually I know this. For some reason I just don’t think it’s going to be that easy.’

                ‘Let me ask you this. If Dexter wasn’t even on the scene, if we’d never even met him, if he was still living in Brighton and we could only dream about boys that good-looking and wonderful, would you get back with Gary?’

                I hesitated. ‘Yeah, probably.’

                ‘And do you think you’d be happy?’

                ‘Not really.’

                ‘So there’s your answer. Even without a Dexter to wet-dream about you’d be unhappy with Gary.’ She paused. ‘You’re growing up,’ she said, grinning. ‘I think you might be accidentally entering commitment-aholic rehabilitation.’

                Which I guess was nice to know.

Tuesday, 25th October, 2011

So Andie stayed over last night, as per usual (sometimes I think her family thinks she’s a ghost and that that’s why they see her so rarely) and while I was innocently watching episodes of Red Vs Blue on YouTube to try and cheer myself up, she was sneakily having an IM conversation with Teegan about me. Well. About me and Dexter. Once Teegan went offline Andie showed it to me and then later when she went to the bathroom I sneakily printed it off. It’s here:

AnDIE: How are things on your end?

TeeTime: A bit tense. What about you?

AnDIE: Alex is in the throes of a major depression session. He doesn’t really know what to do. He genuinely never expected to be in a situation where two guys would fight over him.

TeeTime: He really does have a warped view of his own attractiveness, doesn’t he?

AnDIE: Preaching to the choir. What’s going on with Dex?

TeeTime: Well aside from being completely confused over the twist in his sexual orientation, he has convinced himself that Alex and Gary are going to get back together. He’s not saying much but that has him pretty depressed too. Which I guess is fair enough since his entire world view has been altered since falling for him.

AnDIE: If this were happening to anyone else it would be a romantically tragic love story.

TeeTime: But instead it’s happening to two idiots.

AnDIE: Lol! You speak the truth. If only they would listen to us, learned love gurus that we are, instead of trying to muddle along by themselves, making a mess of things.

TeeTime: Truly, we should be put in charge of everything.

AnDIE: I have some interesting ideas on the economic crisis that I’m sure would fix the problem. I’ll share them with you some time.

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