I froze.

My heart seemed to pound so hard in my chest that I was sure whoever had come in could hear it. Ryker's body came into the mirror, his eyes searching the room before he found me standing in the bathroom. I almost gasped as his amber gaze settled on me through the mirror. Quickly I looked away and tried my best not to start crying again, but it was very difficult.

His heavy steps crossed the room rapidly. Grasping my shoulder he turned me around a bit forcefully which had me cringing both in pain and fear for what he might do. His fingers gently dropped under my chin and my head was raised up to look at him. I met his gaze briefly but looked away just as quickly. I could hear his teeth grinding again. I swore if he did that enough he'd break them, if that was even possible with Holy Grail.

"What happened?" he asked me, his voice growling the question.

God damn it... I cursed myself as hot tears started to spring forth again. I struggled, shaking slightly in his hold. I didn't even look at him, afraid for what I might see and definitely afraid of what I might say to him. When I didn't answer, Ryker's fingers tightened on my chin and he stepped closer to me. I could almost feel his anger radiating off his naked chest.

"What. Happened?" he asked me again, both words clipped and emphasized telling me that he was in no mood for being ignored.

"Nothing..." I barely whispered the word.

"Then explain to me why your lip is bleeding and why you're crying."

My breath hitched, "I... hurt myself while helping in the kitchen," I spewed the lie quickly hoping it would be the end of it.

When Ryker didn't say anything, but continued to hold me, I glanced up at him. The dark glint of rage in his gaze caused a gasp to echo in my mouth and my body to stiffen immediately, "Why are you lying to me?"

I shook my head and on impulse pulled my lip into my mouth, my insatiable habit to bite my lip taking over. I winced though the moment teeth scrapped the deep cut. Ryker took in a sharp breath and pulled me up tighter to him. The way he was acting over a split lip was making my mind whirl in confusion. The only thing that was evidently clear was that he was upset with me. Very upset.

"Someone hurt you, Takye. I want to know who. And I want to know right now!" he growled the last part.

"It's nothing, Ryker! Leave it be, please."

Shock flooded his face but was rapidly replaced with his anger again, "Why you're not telling me, I will never understand. I will find out what happened and who ever touched you is going to pay, dearly," he said, his words heavy with the promise.

I took in sharp breathes. If Ryker went after Erik, Caddac would have a fit. A fight would break out and sadly, the truth of the matter was that Caddac over powered us immensely. Not to mention that Erik evidently had Crusade too. That, in turn, told me that more of Caddac's men probably had it as well. After all, he did say his men had been experimented on at some point. I couldn't let that happen. Not when they were so close to finding the man who killed Killian. It was so important to Ryker that to jeopardize it over something I could take care of myself was stupid.

So I kept my mouth shut. Which infuriated Ryker, but I didn't buckle under the weight of his heavy gaze. The click of his tongue alerted me to his hitting the end of his patience. Tilting my head up with is fingers, his lips covered mine and I gasped at the sudden kiss. Yet, it wasn't a kiss at the same time. His tongue only pressed against mine and stayed there, not doing anything at all. I felt the pull of my skin as it healed itself along my mouth.

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