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             It all began with a pinky promise.

A foolish act from an insecure girl with her pink cosmopolitan. She was not a virgin, nor was she one of those who hadn't yet been in a relationship.

           Plenty of guys were on her list of exes, just not someone like him. Someone who all the girls wanted to hang around, grind their bodies against and kiss all night.

She didn't think a guy as hot as him, with the dead gorgeous jawline and his masculine body could ever want to ask her to dance. Like, what kind of freakish guy would want her to grind her body against his? Or maybe not grind, but at least have her closer than he would have his own mother.

The girl with the pink cosmopolitan didn't believe that the hottie at the other side of the bar, whom carefully had been staring at her curvy body in that bright red dress and her deep brown eyes, would ever talk to her without getting forced.

           Why would he? But then again; he did.

The hottie from the other side of the bar actually made his way over to her, gave her a cheesy pick-up line, he must have read online, and smiled.

         She liked it. Very much so. She could feel her knees weakening and her body getting warmer as he talked in his dark, attractive voice. It was like he was trying to seduce her, and she felt her herself getting dizzy just by his eyes. And that's when her pinky promise came in.

Still, the history of the legendary pinkyswear went way back; way back from that day in the local bar downtown. It didn't at all start when Elona asked the stranger for a pinky promise, the night she turned twenty-four.

It didn't start when the stranger gave her his most knee-weakening smile and the cheesiest pick-up line she had ever heard. It started at the hospital; twenty-four years before that.

               The night Elona was born.

           It was Saturday.

Her young mother was in labour for the first time – a seventeen-year-old teenager, who had gotten pregnant her first time having intercourse, unfortunately – but as she heard the little baby girl's cries for the first time, she fell in love.

          Just like that. It wasn't harder.

She heard her first cry as a reminder that her little baby girl – the child that had grown inside her abused, pale skin – was alive, and she knew that she loved her. From that moment and into infinity.

Her mother had started crying at that point. The soft whimpers from the child and her loving mother filled the room, as a nurse laid her little baby girl in her hands, and a pinkyswear was beginning to commence.

              "We will meet again one day, my dear Elona." Her voice was soft, as her baby girl grabbed her pinky with her little hand; those tiny fingers intertwining with her thin pinky. It scared her, knowing such a small creature had lived inside her bruised skin for nine whole months, and now she was giving her up. Even when she could feel her heart breaking at the thought.

The mother's eyes stared down at her little hand around her pinky, and from that moment, Elona's life became a pinky promise.

             "Yeah, it's a pinky promise, darling. You will see me one day when we are both ready. When the time is right, honey pie," her mother cried, as the adoption agency took the baby out of her hands, and the baby started crying harder.

               "Oh, my dearest, don't cry! Please don't!" her mother shouted after her, as the baby was taken out from the room. And then they never meet again. Both holding onto their pinky promise, some day they would.



Okay. I know very well that I already have so many stories going on here on wattpad, but somehow I can't ever continue on them. And the only reason is that I believe the ideas are so cliché.

Well, this idea though, I actually know what else to write and how I want it to end and all, so I will try. Updates will be every week, hopefully.

// Stiine

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