Idea 2- My Father is a Secret

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     I never understood why they called it a "family" when there were only two people. I have never known what a real family was, or even what a real parent was. My name is Amy. Well, people call me moody instead. But my point is that we all have a name to describe ourselves, right? So why was I always described as what everybody else saw me as, instead of how I seen myself? Why is it that- in the hardest times - I am forced to believe what everybody else wants me to? I don't see myself as moody. I look in the mirror and say "You can do this."and "You look stunning." just like anybody else would. I'm not that selfish little devil that my father always calls me. He's only here because he has to be, anyways. After him being dead and all of that, my mother became depressed and committed suicide. That's the story of how my life became turned upside down. My dad is a zombie who mourns his real life when he actually had a job, and my mom is dead. Why did it have to be me who this happened to? Why couldn't it have been my next door neighbor, or somebody across the ocean from me? All I know is I have to keep my father a secret, and I have to figure out how. He had lost all of his sanity when his brain started decaying, and he won't stop the repeated question of "What would a brain taste like?" - for some odd reason.
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I know, I know. This one is really dumb. But hey, it's kind of a think as you go kind of thing.
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Questions you can use to motivate your story:

-How did the father die? What are his cravings? Who was the mother, and what was her job and stages as she committed suicide?

-What is the background of the story?

-What kind of world do they live in? What was the father's old job? Are there superheroes?

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