Chapter 18: The Race For Lucy

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"Has it really started?" Gildarts replied, with a shocked tone. I nodded gravely.
"Lucy's been taken by the council. Natsu's on his way to get her," I informed him.
"Have they met ? What is Lucy like?" Gildarts questioned further.
"Lucy's a wonderful girl- she's the spitting image of her mother," I said with a sad smile.
"Well, that's good to hear," Gildarts replied, smiling with fond memories.
"Natsu and Lucy haven't known each other for very long- but the magic inside of them has already taken an extreme affect. They will do anything to save each other," I added.
"Isn't that a good thing? I mean, with Natsu's dragon slaying magic, he'll have no trouble looking after her."

"I don't puts the people around Natsu in Lucy in danger if something happens to the other one. They can get extremely 'cranky' when the other is hurt or upset," I replied. "Anyway, we have to be prepared. Most likely, they're going to use whatever that machine is to force Lucy to overtake all the Rosafelts and Rosafelt children. If Natsu arrives while she's in the machine, then they'll just have to create divinity. It's either that or Lucy's death."
"C-Create it? But a power like that could be-"
"A huge advantage, if we had it on our side."
"And if we didn't?" Gildarts asked. "Makarov, that idea is crazy. We haven't the slightest idea how it works. Creating something that dangerous would not only be bad for us, it would be bad for the whole of Fiore."

"But this machine involves pumping Lucy with magic power until she has no choice but to preform an Overtake. If she doesn't do it, she'll die!" I persisted, trying to prove my point.
"But how many lives will be lost if it is created? Makarov, I know this is hard. It's hard for me as well. But Lucy will have to be sacrificed."
"Is that really what Layla would've wanted?"
Gildarts went completely silent.
"They'll find a solution," I told him. "A way that results in everyone surviving. I believe in them."
"You've always been like that, Makarov," he said, smirking. "I'll make my way to your house, then we'll speed to the FRAS as quick as possible. We'll pick the kids up as soon as we see them."
"That's the best we can do," I replied, nodding. "Alright. I'll see you soon."

-Lucy P.O.V-
My thoughts always resulted in Natsu. Whatever I started at, it would end in me wondering where he was. What he was doing. How he was feeling.
No- I knew how he was feeling. A couple of minutes ago I felt a hint of desperate rage. It was a barely anything, but I had felt it. It had been bothering me since it floated across my mind.
Was he concerned about me?
My thought caused me to blush slightly, though I didn't understand why.
I knew he was safe. If he was in serious danger, I'd have a feeling.
But he was getting closer. Slowly, gradually, he was making his way to me. And that gave me such a calming sensation, that I nearly forgot I was locked up in the first place. I sat with my eyes closed, imagining him racing towards me with a strong heart; it drifted me away from my unfortunate reality.

-Natsu P.O.V-
The power was unbelievable, like I'd been struck by lightning. I felt invincible. Maybe my desire to find Lucy was boosting this power temporarily? I had no idea what was happening to me, but at this point I didn't care. All I needed to know was that this amazing ability had awakened inside of me, and I would use it to save Lucy.
My mind was circling around and around with hurtful thoughts that only stressed me further. How they were treating her, if she was hurt...
They could've killed her already.
That's what scared me the most.
There was a big part of me that could tell she was okay, but I could be wrong. A feeling is only a feeling.
So I ran, without a second thought. They were behind me, Erza and the others- which made me glad. I couldn't really concentrate properly at the moment, so I was practically ignoring them, but the fact that they were supporting me nonetheless gave me confidence.

-Ekiro P.O.V-
After leaving from that stupid girl's company, I had been called in by the chairman. I knocked on the door of the room that he had agreed to meet me in, and heard a brief answer to come in. I obeyed, opening the door and entering. The chairman was sat the end of an extremely long and intimidating table, along with two assistants who had their eyes glued to clipboards.
What is this? A business meeting?
"Ekiro," Draculos began, clearing his throat soon after. "I want to discuss the case of Lucy Heartfilia with you."
"Lucy?" I replied gingerly. He grinned.
"Please, have a seat," he offered, gesturing at the chair at the other end of the table. Very slowly, I walked over to the seat and sat down.
"Lucy Heartfilia, as you know, has been charged with first degree kidnapping and the assistance of a criminal."
I nodded bluntly in agreement.
"Well," he continued. "That's a lie."
My eyes widened, and I almost got out of my chair.
"The council are the real danger!"
"I don't belong here!"
They were words practically every criminal would bore me with. But, in this case...was she telling the truth? Or maybe she did something even worse?
"We brought in Lucy Heartfilia because she possess's something that we absolutely must have. If it wasn't for Lucy's stupid mother, we would've obtained it already. However, she gave half of what Lucy had to someone else- and we need to find out who that is."
"What? Excuse me, sir, but you're not making any sense," I told him. The chairman, along with one of the assistants, started laughing at my dumbfounded expression.
"Layla Heartfilia, the mother of Lucy Heartfilia, had been secretly betraying the council with the help of another man. Unfortunately, we were unable to learn his name before we executed them both. When Lucy immediately showed signs of having magic when she was born, they somehow 'liquidised' half of Lucy's magic- or whatever she uses her magic from- sometime after and planted it into another child."
"Sir, why are you telling me all of this?" I questioned.
"Because you, Ekiro, hold curiosity inside of you. Once we finish this 'talk', you will escort Lucy to the magic infuser for the operation."
"The magic infuser? But that pumps the human body with magic power! That'll kill her!" I said with a far louder voice.
Wait...why do I care for her?
Is it because I believe she's innocent? I've always fought on the side of justice, but now I don't know what to think...
"Exactly. And we hope, at that point, that her other half will be led to her in such a time of distress. If they're not, then we have no hope of finding them. This is our only shot." Draculos stood up, and inhaled. "This conversation is over, Ekiro. Two council guards will meet you by Lucy's cell for her transportation to the magic infuser. And let's all pray that her other half makes it in time."
"Yes," I replied, nodding. "Let's pray all we can."
It's annoying, I keep on trying to make characters to hate but they always end up being nice...Akari, Niska, and Ekiro were all supposed to be evil but I love them as much as the real fairy tail characters!
Anyway, like you read in the beginning, my baby sister was born today. I'm sorry if this affects my updates, but surely you understand that this is a very big thing for me xxx

The Rosafelt [Fairy Tail/Nalu AU Fanfic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ