Relevant Nonsense Part 2

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Inspired by Edward Lear - The master of the limerick!

There was young man of the city,
Who thought himself free of peripety.
Then came the day, when the bonuses went away.
He cried "oh how shitty"
That greedy young man of the city.

There was a drug dealer of Tooting,
Who style was rather rooting?
Green trees did he sell,
To all ages did it smell
The Rastaman drug dealer of tooting!

The was a drunk man of the night,
Who said, "Let's fight, Let's fight"
When they said "Yes! Alright"
He swung his fist and narrowly missed,
And ended up in the hospital for the night.

There was a man at dawn,
Who was looking very forlorn
The internet had broke
He declared "What a joke!"
Now he can't watch any more porn!

The was an old tramp on the stairs,
Who was covered in very few hairs
White Stripe was his friend,
On who's trust he had come to depend,
And that's the life of crazy old bob on the stairs

There was a conversation on the tube,
Who commuters thought very, very rude
Too loud was the voice,
Too much fun had by their choice,
The miserable bunch of commuters on the tube

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