Thoughts Of Puri

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Before you start this. I hope you understand that this character is my spirit animal.

She is.

I know there will be so many judging eyes reading this.

And I know my grammar isn't the best. So please have mercy on me, savage wattpaders. I have seen how authors had been struggling on dealing with haters. But lets face it. They're not haters.

Opinions are opinions. And commenters are commenters.


This book will contain a diary-like content. And this book will be my first book.

So this will contain

• Flaws
• Girls
• Boys
• All kinds of Relationships
• Betrayal

And etc

This story is about a girl. A girl not so perfect, but is trying. A girl with insecurities. A girl with humanity and flaws.

This story is about how she lived through the courses of life. And how a person is not just a person.

How Puri is not just the main character in her own life. But she is in this book. How Puri endured all the first stages of pain.

This is all about morality.


I would like to dedicate this to my best friend Najla.

She is the greatest person I have ever met after my mom and my grandmother. She is my sister that I met in fifth grade and I am lucky and proud to call her my best friend.

Also to my mom who doesn't know about this right now and my grandmother who has no idea I even read books.

I love you three and you should know that very well.


I will not let anyone copy my work, get away with it.

I want this book to be a light-hearted book.

A nice book. One that you read during bright and sunny days. And one that you read below a tree.

This story may or may not be true.

*laughs* You will never know because I am the invincible author and I shall know the fate of this book.

Ok, back again to the topic.

The cover is especially made by me. (But I don't mind you making one for me either).

And the story's characters are characters that I know. People that I know.

People who copy the plot of this book will be reported.

If any plot of this book and characters are coincidentally the exact same with a book that you are currently reading.

Then I swear on my pink polka dot underwear that I did not copy anything.

I swear.
Trust me on this.

So I guess this is it!

I hope and hope you have a good day!

Having a bad day?

Keep smiling and don't forget to read books to escape reality if the situation is a bit out of hand.

Or talk to someone you solely trust.

With lots of wisdom,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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