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We are busy with meetings the whole day and altough we are both behaving like nothing happened again, I avoid to look into Axls eyes, altough I catch him looking at me with a absent looking expression from time to time.

But that's what makes me sure that he's just as confused as I am, because if it were otherwise he would be mocking me all day.

We are currently sitting in the studio with Tom who's constantly talking but I really can't concentrate with Axl beside me massaging his own neck, because when I see his fingers moving, I immediately think of him sucking them. Then there's a strange feeling in my stomach and I'm not sure if I'm going to puke or if I'm horny.

Tom asks something, but I don't know what and no one is answering.

"Am I going to get an answer or what?!"

Axl looks up to him.

"What did you ask? Sorry."

Tom shakes his head with an annoyed expression. "What's the matter with you two today? Are you high or what? We are supposed to work here."

"Just tired. Had a long night yesterday."

"Didn't you go home at 12?"

We both say nothing again and I'm happy that I'm wearing my sunglasses, because I'm blushing. Fuck. He can't know. Everything alright. But my ears are burning.

"Whatever it is. We can't go on with you two like that. Go home, sleep and we are going to continue tomorrow."

I'm surprised to see Axl nodding, because normally he would complain. He's a fucking perfectionist and really eager with the record.

Axl is already standing, looking down to me. "Ya' coming or what?," he asks, then blushes as well, teeth clenched, probably because of the ambiguous choice of words.

I have to grin, because Axl blushing in public is something you don't see often, before standing up as well, following him to the elevator.

"What are we going to do now?," Axl asks and I shrug my shoulders. It's early in the evening.

"Get drunk?"

"Why not." Axl agrees and we are heading for the little pub on the opposite of the street, we already know way too well. Just the two of us. I'm having the feeling that that's a good thing, because we should really talk when we want to finish that record till the next week.


The 'talking' ends in drinking shot after shot, mostly in silence, until I'm relatively drunk and finally dare to fully look at him for the first day. "Explain yourself." I slur and he looks up, looking confused.


"Fucking explain yourself."

"Yeah explain what?!"

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"Well, I was not the one shouting 'Axl' when I came."

And I'm getting angry.

"Fuck you! You iniciated everything!"

"The hell did I. You were jerking off to the sound of us fucking!"

"And you told me to come over! You stared at me, you said my name, you fucking touched my c-" I realize how loud I have been talking, when Axl interrupts me with a 'Shhh!', looking panicked.

"What?! You're embarrased?!"

"Shut the fuck up, you fag!"

"Whose the fag here, bastard! Fuck off!"

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