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Two weeks. Two fucking weeks since we returned from New York and nothing happened.

I barely saw Axl around at all. Just at rehearsals and we never talked much. Once I tried to talk to him...effortless, since he first ignored me, shamelessly switched the topic and then left me standing there on my own, feeling embarrassed and hit across the face.

I still don't fucking know what he wants. But at least I know that I wanna touch him again. Do I? It depends on my mood. On some days I look at him and I am so amazed I just wanna rip his clothes off. On others he looks so beautiful, I am afraid to ever touch him again. And on some days he's just a pain in the ass and-

"Slash! Are you alive or what?"

I jerk and turn around to look into Duffs face. We are at the Rainbows, surrounded by girls.

"Yeah. What did you say?"

"You're acting weird again!"

"Fuck you. I'm not."

He grimaces, then grins again as the brunette in his arms begins kissing his throat. I wanna stand up to get a couple of new shots, but suddenly Duffs arm comes up, waving.

"Hey Izzy! Izzy! Come 'ere!"

I turn around and see Izzy stumbling towards us with Steven leaning against him. It looks like Izzy is carrying him, as I can just see Stevens limp arms and a mass of blonde hair. As they approach he looks up from under Izzys arm and gives us a grin that immediately tells me two things: He's drunk as fuck and he's the happiest person in that whole club right now.

It makes me grin as well and I ruffle violently through his hair when Izzy throws him against me, sitting down beneath Duff and his slut, out of his breath. The girl that clings to Duff gives him an annoyed look, cause he almost shoved her from the couch, separating them.

Izzy notices her stare and bares his teeth into her direction, leaning over to her. I laugh as he wrinkles her nose and jerks back.

"Damn. Get a shower!", she snarls and judged on Izzy greasy hair, she's absolutely right about that. I am also relatively sure that someone covered him in beer. Or vomit. Or both.

"Where the fuck is Axl?", Izzy asks, completely ignoring her and looking around.

"He's here?"

"Yep. Found him and that bastard over there," he gives a short wink in direction of Steven, "on my way here."

Axl hasn't went out with us since we returned from New York. That's a good sign, cause' maybe he finally overcame his shyness and dares to talk with me. More than just 'What's up?' and 'play that again'.

I miss him. And I mean that just as a friend.

I decide to follow my original plan, and walk over to the bar, getting the shots. That's where I spot him. He's sitting in a chair, a tiny chick with long blonde locks on his lap, her boobs pressed against his chest. She's dressed in nothing more then a bra, leather shorts and stockings. Plateau boots. Much eyeshadow. She's the typical Strip girl.

I am surprised by Axls choice at first, cause' he's normally into less cheap girls. Feminine and classy. Mostly. Well...at least classier then the woman me and Duff pick up.

But I don't care for his choice of girls, so I just order the drinks.

But then I am captivated. By the way his hand is holding her head as they are deeply kissing. I can see her grinding against his crotch. But I am looking at his hair- it's fucking braided. Into a long, thick, fuchsia plait that's laying on his back.

You Don't Come Close.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin