Everything I Didn't Say

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Based off the song- 'Everything I Didn't Say' by 5sos

Also in no way what so ever do I own Dan and Phil(but how amazing would that be though)

[Phil's POV]

I was sitting in the lounge doing the same thing I had been doing all day.... scrolling on tumblr. I had even said to myself this morning that I was going to do something productive today, but when Dan woke up this morning I found myself following him into the lounge as well.

And here we are. Sitting next to each other, occasionally showing each other a post we had found funny. This was how I liked to spend my days. I wish everyday could be like this. Being with Dan. I wanted to cuddle him, but he wouldn't like that. I knew he never would. Dan wouldn't like for me to play with his hair while he laid in my lap. He wouldn't like me tracing shapes along his back with my nails hovering gently over the skin. I just wanted to be with him. But I couldn't. He was my best friend. How could I?

"Phil check this out!" Dan said, showing me a hilarious collage of a funny face he was pulling.  I laughed. Even though my mind was elsewhere, as it has been most days, thinking of Dan. It almost made me angry that I couldn't be with him.

Dan's smile slowly crept off his face forming a straight line

Noticing this change in behavior brought be out of my deep thought, only realizing I had been staring into Dan's eyes this entire time.

I guess he saw the worry on my face because he asked in a concerned voice, "Hey Phil, are you okay"

I nodded in response and tried turning back to my normal position, but Dan's hand stopped me from making my full rotation. 

"Phil, I know you're not okay. You've seemed so off lately. I just wish I knew what was wrong so I could help you"

I think it was the fact that Dan sounded so sincere. Or that I really just finally wanted him to know. But it made me finally pop.

"Okay Dan, fine you better open up your ears and listen to what I'm about to say because I don't think I'm going to live with myself to say it again!" 

Dan saw the seriousness and urgency on my face, because he put down his laptop, closed the lid, and turned to face towards me saying, "okay I'm listening"

I hesitated a moment, thinking of what to say, but before I could finish my thought, my heart took over my brain making me start to cry and say everything I had never been able to tell him before.

"Dan I love you. Not just you. Everything about you. The way your dimple curves when you smile. How you sing with no care in the shower. How you some how manage to look amazing when you go to bed at 3AM everyday. I love you Daniel fucking Howell."

Dan sat on the couch in shock of what had just happened.

All of the sudden he leaned in and kissed me. Gentle at first but then with more force. I didn't want him to pull away. This was what I had dreamed of since 2009. It was everything I had ever wanted. We stared at each other for what felt like a million years before Dan said:

"I love you too"

Well there you go! That was my first oneshot! Please comment suggestions for me to do next! (btw sorry this wasn't v good but I hope you enjoyed!) - J

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