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//Hey guys... Yes I know it's been a while and I was supposed to update on Saturday but Friday was my birthday and we were celebrating on Saturday. Then I had to do all my work on Sunday but I didn't want to wait till next week so I'm writing it during my school breaks hahahah. Also I got the Best Couple Kpop WattyAward for the OTP category so yay!!! (Picture they gave me above) Anyways I'm sorry for the long wait and here is your next chapter//

Jihoon's pov
It was Jeonghan's birthday today (Happy 20 days late birthday our Angel!!!) so Soonyoung and I are getting ready to go over to their house to celebrate it with a few friends of ours. I'm standing in front of my cupboard yet again wondering what I should wear. Soonyoung always says that my clothes don't suit me well also that I can't match anything together so now I'm confused to what I AM able to wear without Soonyoung telling me off again. Sighhhhh.

"Where is Soonyoung when I need him..." I whined quietly getting frustrated at myself.

I know he is in the bathroom brushing his teeth and that I can easily just shout to get him to help me but I'm not sure my heart to able to right now. A little while ago when we bumped into each other as I was leaving but he was entering the bathroom, I squealed and ran to my room. What made me panic wasn't since he surprised me but since he had put his clothes on... but not fully. His jeans weren't buckled so they fell down a bit but just enough that the top rim of his boxers are seen and his shirt wasn't buttoned up at all. The shirt was like trying to hold onto him as the sides slid off his shoulders, showing more of his bare chest. His messy bed hair, tired glare and morning voice as he said good morning to me didn't make it any better either. All of it put together was too much for me to handle that I couldn't even reply to his good morning and tried to get away from his as fast as I could. Now I'm here needing his help but every time I want to shout his name, images of his body comes up again and I end up a flustered mess crouching on the floor with my hands on my face. This cycle has been repeating for a while until I eventually stopped and actually tried to pick out clothes for the party.

"Ahhhhh Soonyoung why do you have to be so picky on what I wear!!" I growled, reaching my limit.

"Did you call for me?" I heard coming from my door.

Oh no. Why did I had to be so loud... Well at least he should be dressed by now. Well I hoped that was true but it wasn't. I turned around to look at Soonyoung to be met with 'that' again and instantly regretted it. I then quickly looked back at my cupboard since my heart was beating too fast and I needed to calm myself down. I leaned into the cupboards more as I gripped the part of my shirt that was closest to my chest.

"Hello? Are you deaf of something?" I heard Soonyoung say again unaware that he was getting closer.

I looked down, trying to make it seem like I was concentrating to much to hear him but then felt something warm on my chin. Before I could comprehend what it was, my face was quickly turned right where I saw Soonyoung's face just centimetres away from mine. I screamed in the sudden action as I pushed him away but ending up loosing my balance and falling backwards.

"Ouchhhh..." I said as I rubbed my back.

"Are you ok??" Soonyoung worriedly said as he kneeled down in front of me.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine..." I say as I avoid eye contact, lying about the pain.

It wasn't too bad but it may take a while before the aching fades.

"I know you're lying. Where is it hurting?" He bluntly said back to me.

Of course he could tell. Well by now, we have lived together so long that I could tell when he was lying or hiding something.  By that time, he probably is the same to me. Stilling looking away, I indicated to my back. Seconds later he reached behind me and pushed the spot where the pain was coming from which cause me the jump and grab his wrist.

Room Mates (Incomplete - I'm sorry guys, explanation in last chapter)Where stories live. Discover now