Part Twenty Nine ~ Helga Higgins

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The gang had been in the house for almost a year. It had been exactly one week and eleven months since they had gone to Playlist and become so close. They all got along, had fun, and loved being together. They each had their seperate areas of the house to escape into when they needed to be creative alone, so they never felt forced to be together. It was a bright Friday morning, at about ten o' clock. Everyone was dressed and starting to crawl out of their rooms towards the kitchen. Fridays were the best. The friends had decided to all take Fridays off, so they could have an extra long week end, just for the heck of it. That's also when Vergil and Justice usually filmed and edited videos. Once everyone sat at the table, they began to chat and eat the pan cakes Olivia and Justice had prepared. "So, you guys.." Vergil said nervously "We've got some bad news." He said while gesturing at Justice. It got quiet. Oliva and Ellie looked panicked. "Don't just leave us hanging, what's wrong?" Ellie said quickly. Olivia looked up from her breakfast. "I agree! SPEAK TO ME, MAN!!" Olivia pointed her fork at Vergil, then Justice, then back at Vergil. Justice straightened up and began to talk "I was talking to the land lord, Helga. You know, Helga Higgins?" Everyone cocked and eyebrow at her. "Nevermind.. Anyways, as I was saying. Helga was talking to us about rent. We're not behind, but" Justice froze. She set her fork down, rubbed her eyes, and sighed. "She's.. She's raising our rent." Everyone gasped in horror. Even Vergil, who already knew about it. Justice eyed him and gave him the 'I don't know what you're up to, but I've got my eye on you.. SON' look. If it can be a look. "How will we afford to stay?.." Ellie said. It was just quiet. Olivia chimed in "And I get that this house is great, but WHAT IN HELGA HIGGINS RIGHT MIND, MADE HER WANT TO RAISE THE RENT?!?!?" Everyone nodded and mumble agreements. "Our thoughts exactly!" Vergil said. It was a good question. The house was amazing, and they were very greatful, but the reason that the land owner wanted to raise the rent at the last minute was beyond them. "At this point, I don't care about the reasons. I just know we need to figure out away to get more money for the last month of rent." Justice said. Ellie was curious as to why it was so urgent they get Helga the money so soon. "It's not that big of a deal if we pay off the last month a little late.. right? At least until we get our next pay checks?" That was another good question. "Man.." Vergil sighed "We're just full of good questions, aren't we?" They all half heartedly laughed. Except Olivia. Olivia was deep in thought, while munching on her pan cakes. She usually went deep into thought when she ate. It was.. A unique trait. Justice looked at Ellie. "I'd think so, but Helga wants rent before the month is up, or she's kicking us out until we pay up! We'd have no place to go!" Justice yelled. They sat in silence for a good fifteen minutes. Olivia piped up "Well.. We better start working Fridays!" Everyone sighed and "UGHED" at the thought. Vergil put his head on the table. "It would be like having a real job." He moaned.

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