Part Sixteen ~ The Duel

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Vergil wasn't really nervous as he stood in the main lobby, waiting to duel chain mail guy. Even though tons of people were watching, filming, laughing, and staring, it didn't bother Vergil. You know why? Because he had a height advantage that would make chain mail guy look absolutely ridiculous when he tried to attack. Being six foot five really helped Vergil out sometimes. "You ready to duel a massive geek, Vergil?" Justice asked. Olivia, Ellie, And Justice were gathered around him while the crowd of people stood off to the sides. "Oh, I didn't know I was dueling YOU, Justice!" Vergil said sarcastically. They all laughed and then helped Vergil straighten his bow tie. "Guys, what am I going to duel him with?" Everyone turned around and looked at chain mail flailing his sword around "preparing to "fight" Vergil. "By the looks of THAT you're gonna be able fight him with a potted plant." Ellie said. "Haha, so true.." Justice agreed. "Not a bad idea!" Vergil smiled. "Hah, Minecraft." Olivia said. Everyone turned their head to look at her. "Um.. Beg pardon?" Justice asked. "Oh, right." Olivia said. "Let me explain." She pulled out a foam diamond sword from Minecraft. "I brought this for you Vergil. I usually wouldn't lend it out, but I thought it could be useful. You know, a chance to prove itself." Said Olivia. "Well thanks Olivia! I shall use this with great pride!" Vergil tried to take the sword, but Olivia's grip was very tight. He pulled a little more. No luck. "Hey, you know Olivia, if you don't want me to.." Vergil tried to say, but Olivia interrupted "Fine!! Take it! But take care of my baby!" She let to of the sword and covered her eyes. "No worries my dear lady, I shall take excellent care of your.. Baby.." Vergil said. Both chain mail and Vergil were ready to duel. They lined up face to face ten paces from the other. "You got this." Justice reassured him as she walked away. Vergil readied himself while humming the tune of "I Can Swing My Sword" by Tobuscus. "READY!" Justice Yelled. "ON MY MARK! Three. Two. ONE.. FIGHT!" The two of them charged at each other. Vergil barley had to do anything. Chain mail guy was getting tired out by trying to reach Vergil. After three rounds, Vergil had sword tagged chain mail all three times. "Well done good sir.." Chain mail panted "You are a noble warrior" he finished and they shook hands. "Thank you chain mail guy. It has been a pleasure." Vergil turned around and walked towards his friends. "Hey guys.." He said. "I WON!!" Everyone, even the crowd cheered and clapped. "There's only one thing." Olivia said. "Oh yeah? What's that?" Vergil said. "MY BABY!!" Olivia grabbed her foam diamond MC sword and hugged it tightly. "I knew you'd make it!" She smiled. Everyone laughed and headed out for a very late lunch.. But this was an experience none of them would forget.

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