Chapter 13

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“Randy! Randy Randy Randy!” I yelled as I flew down the stairs and into the Hurst’s basement the next day where the three boys were all currently situated.

“What is it Ells?” Randall called out as he put the guitar down and walked over towards me as I ran to him.

“Hi!” I said really loud and obnoxiously as I could.

“Uh, hi I guess,” he said unsurely. “So, what’s up?”

“I was just wondering when we were gonna leave, ya know? Because we can’t get to the movie theaters too late because then all the good seats might be take, and I’m very picky about where we sit. And we have to buy snacks too! I mean, how fun is it going to the movies if you don’t have good snacks! It just ruins everything! And since it’s our first date and all, I just don’t want it to go bad! So we have to time it perfectly!” I rambled on, hoping that it would get on his nerves a lot.

“It’s fine,” he laughed while putting a hand on my shoulder, “just do me a favor and calm down. I promise that we’ll get to the theater on time, and you’ll have plenty of time to find the perfect snacks and seats. Don’t worry.”

“Cool. Hey Dex, hey Pat,” I said calmly while walking over and giving each of them a hug.

Dexter looked a little scared that I would go off all weird on him while giving him a hug, while Pat just looked amused.

“What was with the little rambling over there?” he whispered before letting me go.

“What? I’m not allowed to act like that?” I asked sweetly while batting my eyes.

Pat just eyed me suspiciously before rolling his eyes and walking away. Damn, he knew me too well. But there was no way I was going to tell him that I was acting obnoxious on purpose so that his brother would break up with me.

“So, what movie are you guys gonna see?” Dex asked.

“I believe that we were going to choose once we got there,” Randall stated.

“Yep! Because once you get up there, you could want to see one movie but then totally change your mind. There are so many good movies playing that often it’s hard to choose and make up your mind, so it keeps on changing! That’s another good reason to leave early, that way we can decided on a movie and all,” I piped up.

“Are you ok Ells?” Randall asked while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “You seem a little bit… jittery.”

“I’m fine!” I said while giving him my biggest grin. “I just had a little Mountain Dew earlier today, and that stuff usually makes me hyper. I just didn’t expect it to set in so soon, ya know?” I lied. Was I really annoying Randall so easily? If so, then he should be breaking up with me in no time at all.

“I see. From now on, I think you should lay off the dew,” he chuckled.

“No! Mountain Dew is my favorite pop ever!” I whined.

“Yeah Randall, let her have her dew!” Pat laughed.

“You can have your dew, just try to cut back on it a little, ok?” he just about begged.

“I promise. So… what should we do before we head out?” I asked.

“Let’s play tag!” Pat suggested.

“Are you serious?” Dex asked. “I mean, that game is for little kids!”

“You don’t have any better suggestions, do you?” Pat challenged him.


And so, Randall and I were still laughing when we entered the movie theater. Somehow Pat convinced all of us to play tag, and we even got Justin to play with us. It was fun because it had rained the day before and in one spot in the back yard it was almost like a mud pit.

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