Chapter 3

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A couple hours later as it was nearing 4:30, I began to get anxious. Justin would be coming soon along with the guys. Ever since I told Paul that the guys were coming with Justin to pick me up, he’s been hovering around me constantly. Even if I so much as uttered a single word about them, Paul would be at my side in an instant, wanting to know why I was talking about the guys. It was starting to get really annoying.

But really, it wasn’t my fault that Shelley would bring them up every five minutes, asking me what they were like. It’s not like I was talking about them because I was interested in them, when that was far from the case. I already had a boyfriend. I would never do such a thing like his previous bitches of girlfriends used to do.

“When is your brother coming?” Shel whined while watching the bitches and the guys play another round of chicken fight.

“They’ll get here when they get here,” I laughed as I heard a loud splash.

The sound of an engine pulling up and shutting off grabbed my attention as both Shelley and I sat up. We looked at one another before quickly scrambling onto our feet and racing to where the cars were parked.

“Justin!” I squealed as we ran out of the opening.

He saw me running and immediately turned his back to me. I guess he thought that I was going to tackle him. He was right, but I changed my mind. When I got close enough, I jumped onto his back, almost making him fall down, but luckily he was strong enough not to fall over.

Even though we were twins, we hardly looked alike. The only similarities between us were our facial features and hair color. Justin was about a good 5’11”, with me being only 5’6”. We were both lean, but he had muscles. His eyes were green while mine were brown. He was currently sporting a buzz cut, due to the summer heat.

“Oh, hi guys,” I said while looking over at the boys who looked as if they were trying hard not to laugh. “This is my best friend Shelley Philips. Hey Justin, could you take me back to the clearing so I can get my stuff?”

“Whatever,” he huffed, but I could tell he was smiling anyways. Even though we fought a lot, there were some occasions when we would actually be nice to each other, like right now.

“So, are you guys single?” I heard Shelley ask them as they followed behind us.

Justin shook his head while laughing. “Look like Shelley’s after them already, isn’t she?” he asked with slight irritation.

“Yeah. You should have heard her earlier! About every five minutes or so, she was asking me to hook her up with one of them. It’s quite ridiculous. So, when are you gonna make your move?” I whispered.

He nearly tripped and fell after my words left my mouth. But he quickly regained his footing and turned his head slightly to look at me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said acting innocent.

“Come on Justin! You’ve liked her for how long now?” I goaded. “I’m your sister. I’ve seen the way you look at her. You need to do something before one of the new guys sweep her off her feet.”

“Like you’re one to talk,” he retorted. “I saw the way that you were ogling Pat earlier. I think that he would be better than the douche you’re dating.”

“Shut up,” I hissed while whacking his head. “I would never do that. I really like Paul and I would never dump him for another guy.”

“You say that now,” he laughed while letting me fall to the ground.

“You’re such an ass!” I yelled while jumping on his back again, placing my arms around his neck so I had him partially in the sleeper hold.

“You know, you really shouldn’t wrestle with your brother. People could get the wrong idea,” I heard Laney sneer.

“You know, you really shouldn’t be a bitch all the time. Otherwise, you could actually find a boyfriend,” I spat back at her while sliding off Justin’s back.

“Ellie,” I heard Paul say and I rushed over to him.

He pulled me into him and gave me a deep kiss that was more to show I was his possession than anything. I want to push him away because I was repulsed by his kiss for some reason. It happens every now and then that I don’t like to kiss my boyfriend. So what? Once he pulled away, he wrapped his arm firmly around my waist, his hand slightly digging into my side.

“So, you must be the new guys,” he said with a nod in their direction.

I looked over at them, to see how they would take Paul’s rude attitude. Dexter looked bored, Randall looked pissed, while Patrick just looked… amused. It was funny to see him with a smirk, looking at Paul like he had three heads or something.

“Yeah, we just moved in today. I’m Randall,” he said stepping forward, but stopped when Paul raised his hand to stop him.

“I’m Dexter, but call me Dex,” he said with a shrug.

“I’m Patrick,” he said with a fast wave. Now, this guy was something else. He was completely goofy, and not afraid to show it. “And I’m going to be graduating with you guys.”

“That’s nice. Well, I’m Paul Rogers, and you already know my girlfriend Elora. These are the guys and the girls. But, if you’re friends with Justin, then I really don’t expect you to be hanging out with us, so you don’t really need to know their names,” he said curtly.

“Paul, don’t be an ass,” I hissed through my teeth.

His grip tightened around my waist, making me wince. I was sure to have bruises later from where he was gripping me.

“I’m not being an ass, I’m simply stating the truth. I guess you’d better get going. Don’t want mommy and daddy to get upset with you,” he said with a sneer.

“Whatever,” I groaned as I wriggled free from his grasp and went to get my stuff.

“Don’t I get a kiss goodbye?” he whined as I stalked past him, following Justin.

Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of telling me what to do, I went up to him, and turned my head right as his lips were about to meet mine, so instead they met my cheek. After I gave him a kiss on the cheek, I quickly sauntered off. I could hear him grumbling about how “that wasn’t a real kiss” as we quickly made our way to the car.

“I call shotgun!” Dex shouted as he ran to the car.

“That’s unfair! I always get shotgun!” I complained while storming over to the car.

“Too bad,” he smirked while looking over at his brother.

“Oh, come on. It couldn’t be too bad sitting in the back with us, could it Ells?” Pat winked, sliding into the back.

“Actually, no it wouldn’t,” I grinned while sliding in next to him, as Randall got in next to me. “Dex, you’re missing out, getting an opportunity to sit next to me.”

“You’re too old for me,” he said while leaning back in his seat.

“Dude, stop hitting on my sister,” Justin said while getting into the driver’s seat.

“But Justin, I thought that you wanted me to break up with Paul?” I asked innocently, him catching my gaze in the rearview mirror.

“Well, could you at least try not to flirt in my presence? It’s kinda gross,” he laughed while revving up the engine.

“So… your boyfriend?” Pat asked with an amused smirk.

“Yeah,” I said while biting my lip and finding the messy floor of Justin’s little old rambler quite interesting. “I’m sorry that he was an ass to you guys. He’s always like that to new people though. Ever since both of his previous girlfriends cheated on him, he gets a bit too over protective over me meeting someone new.”

“I’d be the same way. I would freak at the possibility of my girl losing interest in me and going after some new guy in town. I would be absolutely heartbroken if she left,” Pat said in a somber tone.

“But, relationships are about trust. So, he should trust me enough to know that I really like him, and would never break up with him for another guy,” I spouted off.

“How long have you two been together?” Randall finally spoke up.

“It’ll be a year on July 13. Don’t you think that’s long enough for him to actually trust me with this kind of stuff?” I looked over at Pat.

“I think that after a year, trust should be strong in a relationship. But what I’ve seen from Paul, he has issues with trust. How come you’ve been with him so long?” he asked curiously.

“Because, I really like him,” I said defensively.

“And she’s also scared to dump him,” Justin added.

“Justin!” I snapped.

“Well, it’s the truth. Paul can be a bit of a loon. A scary and dangerous one at that,” Justin said while looking over his shoulder.

“I had a friend who was in your situation once,” Pat said thoughtfully, “and it didn’t end too pretty. The guy ended up going to jail for assault, while the girl had to change her name and move away. He was so obsessed with her after she dumped him that he stalked her. I’m hoping that it doesn’t happen to you. You seem like too nice of a girl.”

“Thanks a lot Pat,” I grumbled while trying to scrunch back into the seat, which wasn’t working too well. “Now I’m probably going to have nightmares or something.”

“Hey, don’t worry. I’m here in case anything happens,” he smiled reassuringly.

“I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but that’s what I have Justin for. You know, the brother that’s over protective and kicks ass for anyone that hurts his sister,” I stated dully. In the rearview mirror, I saw Justin smile proudly.

“But, I can still help kick ass though, can’t I? I could be like another brother, but one who is nice to you all the time,” he said playfully.

I stared at this boy in awe. I mean, we just met like, not even 5 hours ago, and here he was offering to protect me. It felt like I have known this guy forever though, that’s how comfortable and at ease I felt with him.

“Yes! I get a new brother!” I shouted while latching onto him to give him a hug.

“You can keep him,” I heard Randall laugh teasingly.

“Dude, you’re just jealous of our connection,” Pat laughed while pulling me in even closer against him in our hug.

“Connection? All I see is you squeezing the poor girl to death,” Randall muttered.

“Pfft. I still say you’re jealous,” he said while letting go of me.

He crossed his arms and looked out the window as I scooted back into the middle of the backseat. I could tell that this indeed was going to be an interesting summer.

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