Chapter Five - Girl with the voice

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Chapter 5

** Bay's P.O.V. **

    The music room came into view when Lilly spoke.

"Hey guys I need to get back to class, I said I was using the restroom and I am sure that it doesn't take this long to go."

    All of the guys looked to her and nodded, said their goodbyes and headed in the classroom. I saw that Niall was last one to go in and gave a longing look to Lilly. He looked happy but sad at the same time. Did he know Lilly? Did Lilly know Niall? If so why didn't she tell me? I am so confused. When Niall finally went inside the room, Lilly turned towards me.

"I will meet up with you for lunch!" she told me. I nodded.

"Okay." I said in a small voice. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What's the matter?" she asked while coming closer to me. I looked down for a second and replied

"I just don't want to be alone with them and I have music class next period. Plus Brittany and Bethany are in that class. What if they make us sing? Oh my gosh, I can't do that I will freeze and then everyone will laugh and the number one famous boy band in the world is in there and they will laugh, it will just be horrible. The worst thing is if I do sing Brittany will tell Linda and the next thing you'll know I will be in the hospital and I was just there 2 weeks ago and it was hell. I can't do that again. What am I going to do, I can't skip because they already know I am here. Oh god!! Why do they have to be here?" I ranted to her in a hurry. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes, my breath ragged and uneven, a sign of a panic attack starting. She put her and on my shoulder and told me to take death breaths.

"It will be fine don't worry about it. They won't ask you to sing, they will probably ask for volunteers and there will be so many people wanting to show their talent to One Direction that you won't have to. You can always just scamper off to your little room that only Mr. D lets you in, no one will know or even hear you sing. Don't get so worked up over this, you will be fine. And for the twins don't let them get to you, they are just jealous that you are way prettier and have a great voice, don't let them stop you from doing anything. Okay?"  Lilly told me while removing her hand from my shoulder.

"You are right, I'll be fine. I just wish you were in the class with me." I said and let out a sigh.

"Me too Bay, me too! I need to go first period is almost over and I don't need a detention." she said with a giggle.

"Okay, meet me at my lock 4th period so we can walk to lunch together. Okay?" I told her and hugged her. Lilly smiled and hugged me back.

"Sure thing, see ya later!" she told me while walking down the hallway towards her class.

    I walked into the music room and saw that Louis was on Harry's back, Niall was on the ground laughing, Liam was telling them to stop, and Zayn on the piano bench quietly chuckling. I didn't want to ruin their fun or bother them so I quickly walked to the back of the room and went into Mr. D's office to grab the keys to my separate room. When I came back they were all settled down gathered around the piano with Louis playing the piano, Niall strumming a guitar and they were all singing.

"I've tried playing it cool

Girl when I'm looking at you

I can't ever be brave

'Cause you make me heart race"

Liam started singing. Harry sang next and he look up and started at me.

"Shot me out of the sky

You're my kryptonite

You keep making me weak

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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