Chapter Three - Fancy Seeing You Here!

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Chapter 3.   **Warning May Have Swearing***

**Bay's P.O.V.**

    I threw myself onto my bed and let out bug huff. I quietly got up, went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. I changed into my Minnie the Mouse pajama pants. I pulled on a white t-shirt, and left for bed. I pulled back the covers got in and pulled the blanket to my chin. I closed my heavy eyelids and soon fell asleep. My dream was about green eyes and dark curly haired Harry. He was quite a hottie. He smiled, his cheeky smile with dimples poking out on both sides.

"Bay" was all he said. His thick, deep, husky, british voice rang through my head. I felt my knees wobble, and my stomach gained unexpected butterflies. All he said was my name, and I turned to mush, but just as quickly as the dream started, it ended with me in pain. How? I was in a dream. I felt my eyelids flutter open, and realized I had fallen on the floor. But I never fall on the floor? I looked up and saw Brittany.

I glared at her and she just simply smirked. I got up from the floor but as soon as I was on my feet, I landed on the floor with a big thud. I looked back up to her. "What was that for?" I asked rubbing my now bruised butt. She smiled slyly and bent down. Her face in mine she said

"Stay away from him if you know what's good for you." I was confused. At last it dawned on me.

"You like Harry don't you?"

"Yes, I do and you know I get what I want and I want him. Do I make myself clear? I don't want you speaking to him, looking at him, or even breathing the same air as him. If I catch you I'll make you wish you were never born." She sneered at me and I gulped, and nodded.

Hadn't they already made my life a living hell? What could be worse? But then again, what was Harry to me? She could have him, I barely know him anyway. He'd eventually fall for her, everyone did. She took my nod as a "yes I would leave him alone," slapped me across the face, and left.

"God, can I ever leave this place?" I pleaded. I wish I could just flee the country and live in places like Paris, London, Hawaii. Any place away from here would be wonderful. I weakly lifted myself off the ground, and got in bed. I lay on my stomach because my behind was still smarting. This will be the last time I cry myself to sleep, I pledge before going into a dark abyss.

I woke up to the sound of my god awful stepmother's loud screaming. "Bay!!!! Get up, you lazy ass bitch." I weakly got up from the warm covers and walk over to the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy. My hair was sticking up in every direction, my cheek was a dark shade of purple from Linda and Brittany's slap. I knew that I would have to put cover up on it.

"BAYLYN!!!!!! Get down here and make us breakfast!!!" Linda yelled through the speaker in my room.

"Okay. I will be down in a minute." I said while pressing the button.

Marne must have the day off, I thought.  I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I de-tamed my hair and let it fall down to my back with big curls. I washed my face, put a little mascara and eyeliner on and covered my bruised cheek. I walked over to my closet and I decided to wear my skinny jeans with a blue short sleeved t-shirt with the superman logo on in the middle. I grabbed my messenger bag and slung it over my shoulder, put my phone in my pocket and walk out of my room. I locked the door so no one would go in and ran down the stairs to start cooking breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen, set down my bag and started to make low fat egg white omelets and fruit cups. The twins had to keep their figure. When I finished I took the plates to the dining room where the bitches from hell were seated. I set their plates down as they glared at me. I heard a knock on the door. That was my excuse to get out of their presence. I opened the front door and it was Lilly.

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