Chapter Four - Rose......I mean Lilly

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Chapter Four

**Lilly’s P.O.V. **

    I’m Lilly Turner. Well, for now I am, but I’ll tell you about that later. I have red hair that curls to my waist, and deep cobalt blue eyes. I do not look like much, but I actually have a black belt in karate. I’m 5’5” and about 130 pounds. My life has been a hard one, and only Bay is my true friend. I have a sister, but I have lost all contact with her. We’re separated you see. I’m miss her dearly, but I have to be strong and live a normal life.

    I was adopted when I was ten. That was the year I moved with my sister from Scotland to America. It is very different here, but I have learned the customs. I don’t forget my Scottish heritage though, and I sometimes slip into my brogue. I can’t let people catch me and my accent though, because that would be bad, and I would have to move again. I’m scared to move again, and I’m scared because of the world around me.

    I was just at Bay’s house. She has been my best friend since we were babies. Her mom and my mom went to the same school in America. I’ve moved a lot, but she has always been there for me. Her sisters are bitches though. Brittany had thrown fruit juice in Bay’s face before I left. I couldn’t stay, however, because I have too many tardies. One more and I’ll get suspended.

    I parked my car and walked into the school. This school was better than most schools I’ve been to. I wore my red and white striped sweater, and my black jeans. My black flats didn’t do much for the outfit however. My hair was a curly disarray. As I walked past the main office, I noticed five boys sitting there. I recognized one of them, and I stood stone still. He couldn’t be here. Niall Horan could not be here. He looked back at me, and he too was shocked. His blue eyes had shown it. He walked out of the main office and towards me.

“ Niall, what are you doing here?” I said with a trembling voice.

“ What am I doin’ here? What are ye doin’ here? I thought ye were in Paris wi’ your mum.” He said with his heavy Irish accent. I felt a pang of guilt about lying to him. I was forced to though.

“ Niall. Now’s not the time to question me about Paris.” I had some of my wits back.

“ Then when is the time? D’ye know how often I’ve tried to contact ye?” He said that quite defensively.

“ It’s no’ my fault Niall. Dinna make me feel more guilty than I already am.” My damn accent came. It usually only came when I was angry or sad. At that moment I was both. I looked at him, and my eyes began to tear up. He was mad at me, but I couldn’t tell him the truth. I could make it all better if I told him the truth, but it would put my life in danger. The bell rang then, as we stared at each other. I turned to walk away, but he caught my arm, and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cherished the hug.

“ I missed ye.” He whispered.

“ I missed you too Niall.” I said in a small voice. He pulled away when Harry came to take him from me. He smiled and walked on. I went to my first class, Algebra II. It was such a boring class and being bad at math did not help. About 15 minutes after the bell had rung I got up to use the restroom. On my way there I saw Bay and the boys and Brittany and Bethany. The other girls with Brittany and Bethany were wannabes. I had walked up to Bay and saw she was very scared. Brittany and Bethany had not seen me walk up. Brittany was telling Harry that he should not hang out with people like Bay.

“ She’s the lowest of the low. Take my advice, and stay away from her. She deserves to be left alone.” Her high pitched voice was annoying. Before Harry could answer I said

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