Oh great not another crazy ex.

"Sarah, just leave. And how in the hell did you know he was here?" "Because I'm his girlfriend. I know everything about him." "Did you know he has a girlfriend?" He asked.

The crazy ex girlfriend stared at him wide eyed and asked, "He's been cheating on me?"

"No. He broke up with you. Get that through your head Sarah. He does not, will not, and ever want you again." He said aggravated.

"Say what you want Spencer, but I'm gonna stay here until he wakes up." She said.

Spencer sighed and sat down on one of the chairs. I sat in his lap and layed my head on his chest.

"I wish I knew what happened." I whispered.

He looked at me and kissed my forehead.

"Me too Dak. Me too." He whispered back.

*Fast Forward to 3 Weeks Later and it's Spencer's POV*

It's been three weeks and still no sign of Hayley or Brendon getting better. They're both still unconcious and it's worrying me. Brendon's parents haven't showed up yet and I don't blame them. He was a douche bag to them but he's my best friend and I helped him run away. Good thing my parents were ok with it and offered to come with me to make sure he's ok.

"Hey hon." My mom said walking in the room.

Oh yeah, my parents came to the hospital as soon as they got home from their trip.

"Hi Mom."

"Any changes?" She asked sitting next to me handing me some coffe.

"No. Still the same." I replied drinking it.

"Spencer?" She asked.


"What happened?" She asked me.

"I don't know Mom. If I knew, I would've told Hayley's parents." I asked sighing.

"Who's Hayley?"

"Brendon's girlfriend."

She said a silent oh and we sat there looking at Brendon.

It was about five minutes later until Dakotah came running in the room.

"Spencer! She's awake! Hayley's awake!" She yelled running to me. She started kissing me and started pulling me to her room.

"Wait wait. Hold on a minute D." I said chuckling.

"Why? Hayley's awake and she wants to see you." She said confused.

"Because, I want you to meet my mom." I said turning her so she could face my mom.

She started blushing and held her hand out to my mom.

"Hi, I'm Dakotah, Spencer's girlfriend." She said.

"Hello Dakotah. It's nice to meet you." My mother said shaking her hand.

"Ok now that y'all met, let's go see Hayley." I said.

"I'll stay with Brendon in case he wakes up." My mom offered.

I nodded and gave her a hug. I took Dak's hand and we walked to Hayley's room.

When we got there, she was sitting up and she was talking to Kat.

"Hayley Jones you had us worrying so much about you." I said walking to her.

"I'm sorry Spencer. You can thank your asshole of a friend." She said.

"So, do you mind telling me what happened?" I asked.

"Nah. I'll tell you. Well- ouch!" She said.

"What's wrong?" Dakotah asked running to her side.

"I feel a shooting pain in my abdomen. OW!" She said hunching over.

The doctors came running in and doing all this stuff on her. They told us to leave and when we were out in the hallway, Hayley's parents came.

"They told us to leave. She's experiencing some pain right now." Jeremy said.

They look horrified and nodded.

The doctors came out and asked for the parents of Hayley. Her parents said it was them and the doctor told them to follow him. He said it was ok for us to go back in the room.

When we did, Hayley had tears running down her face.

"Oh hon what's wrong?" D asked.

"My baby. My baby died." She whispered.

Wait, did she just say baby.

"Wait. Hayley, did you just say you baby died?" I asked.

She nodded and started crying again.

"Hayley, what happened between you and Brendon?" I asked concerned.

She sighed and told me what happened. When she was finished she was sobbing and Kat and Dakotah were hugging her.

I stood there in shock and was about to say something until her parents walked through the door.

"Hayley Nichole Jones. How dare you get pregnant and not tell us. How dare you have sex at the age of sixteen. How dare you go around dating guys and having sex and not use protection. Didn't you get in trouble the last time it happened?" Her mom asked sternly raising her voice.

"Mom, can we not do this? I just lost my child for God's sake." She yelled back.

"We are going to do this. Maybe if you haven't been sleeping with every guy you see-" "Mom!" "This wouldn't have happened."

"Mom, I can't believe you just called me a whore in front of my friends." She yelled.

"I never said whore. But, since you said it maybe I can. I never raised you to act like this. I never raised you to do any of the things you've been doing. If you had just followed the rules your father and I laid down, none of this would've happened." Her mom said.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt or anything but, Brendon's awake." My mom said putting her head through the door crack.

I walked out of the door and went in Brendon's room.

"Hey man." I said.

"Hi." He replied back.

"Mom, can you excuse us for a moment and don't let anyone come in please?" I asked.

She nodded and walked out the door.

"What's wrong m-" "How could you? I know you caught Hayley and Taylor kissing but driving you guys in a lake? That's too much and uncalled for." I said interrupting him.

"Hey man you have no right to say any of those things! Your pregnant girlfriend never cheated on you!" He yelled.

"Yeah? Well because of your dickhead move, Hayley's not pregnant anymore! She had a miscarriage all because of you!" I yelled back.

"What?" He asked whispering.

"Your baby died Brendon. You're no longer a father anymore"

I'm sick -_- what more do you want me to say?

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