Just You And Me (Lemon Version)

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*Hayley's POV* 

Brendon and I walked to his room and put my stuff up. I sat on his bed and I cried again.

Brendon laid me down, and laid beside me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. I shuddered and turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry I failed you." He whispered barely audible. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he brings me closer to him.

"You didn't fail me, Brendon. If you did, I wouldn't be in your arms now would I?" I assured him.

"I shouldn't have left you. I should've been in your room on your bed waiting for you to finish. If anything happened to you- I don't know what I would without you." He told me tearing up.

When a tear fell, I wiped it away. "Don't blame yourself. I'm glad you came." I told him while kissing him.

"Now smile! I want to see that wonderful smile of yours." I said smiling. He laughed and smiled.

He leaned in to kiss me and I crushed my lips against his. He was surprised at this gesture and relaxed into the kiss. I pushed against him and he moaned opening his mouth. When his mouth opened I slid my tongue in and fought for dominance with his tongue. I ended up winning and we rolled to where he was on top. We broke away from the kiss breathing hard. After about a minute, we soon started kissing again. We rolled and I was on top and I broke away from the kiss.

I got off of him and went in my bag to grab some clothes I had bought.

"I think you have been good enough for me to give you a special treat. Just let me get prepared and we will continue our session." I said seductively walking into the bathroom.

I saw the eager look on his face and he nodded, like a kid getting what he wants for his birthday.

I went in the bathroom and put on a lacy, short black dress that covers all the important stuff, but is see through on the rest. The outline for the breast is lacy at the top and the rest is silk. It stops right below my butt and I took my hair down, brushing it. I didn't put any makeup on because; he always told me that I'm beautiful without it on.

I walk out and I see Brendon with his shirt off and wearing his jeans waiting on me.

He looked eager and nervous, because he was fumbling with his thumbs and when he saw me, he started blushing a lot and his eyes dilated about a size and a half.

"Wow, Kitten you just look- wow." He said speechless. I laughed and I went to go kiss him. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready. I- I love you so much, Brendon and without you, I probably would've committed suicide. But, you made everything so much better and I want to be with you. So, yes I'm ready. Take me Brennie" I said.

"I love you too. God, I need you right now and I finally get to have the most beautiful woman in the world." He said kissing me. We both kissed with equal passion and rolled over.

Brendon was on top of me and started kissing my neck. He was suckling on my pulse spot and I moaned tugging at his hair and bringing his lips to mine. I crushed my lips to his and he moaned putting his tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grinded against him. We both moaned loud and we flipped to where I was on top. I started kissing down his neck, then his chest. I was licking all over his stomach and in between his abs trying to get more of his sweet taste. I planted kisses on his chest and when I got to his nipples, I bit them. He moaned loud and was begging for more. I kissed down his stomach again and soon, I found myself at the waistline of his pants. I fumbled with getting his button undone but, I managed to get them apart. I tugged them down and I saw how erect he was. I was feeling pretty bold so I rubbed his manhood with the edge of my hand. I heard him suck in a breath and moan. I pushed down and rubbed in circular motions. He was literally calling my name and he kept getting louder. I stopped and he looked at me confused. He flipped us over and asked, “Why’d ya stop, Hayles. Don’t you know what you did?” He asked getting close to me.

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