All About Taylor (I came up with this title btw)

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Hey guys! Well since I have a new chapter I'm editing and this chapter came up, when I publish it, it's gonna be all wonky and stuff.

So this chapter was made and only made by sunnybunny19. She was a runner up in my contest and this chapter, like I already said, was made by her. I just read it and it's super good. So give her all the credit and not me! :) Anywho, here's the chapter!

*Taylor's POV*

After the whole argument I had with Hayley where I told her I still loved her, I went over to Jeremy's house which isn't far from Hayley's house, since I didn't know where else to go or what to do, and maybe he could help.

But before I went to his front door, I texted him, saying I was coming over.

I walked to his house, and knocked loudly 2 times on the door, it opened shortly after with Jeremy standing there.

"Hey ma-" I walked past him to his living room without asking, I sat on his plaid couch and soon started talking.

I told him the whole situation, that I still loved Hayley and all that stuff, and I ended up yelling at him a few times because of my anger, but eventually I got rid of it and left after he gave me some advice that'd help.

So after that, I went to my house, ignored my family, and went to bed.

Right now I'm walking to his house again, since it's close to my house which is close to Hayley's house. Me, and the gang (except for Hayley) are going to go to the mall and hangout since it's a Saturday, and Spencer is going to join us since he's dating Dak. I hope he's nothing like Brendon.

I'm wearing a black shirt with a gray jacket, a red beanie, black pants, and red converse.

I knock on the door, and Kat is the one to open it. We hug and then I say hi to everyone else, and we get going.

We're at the mall, and I see Gabrielle with another guy in the food court. Huh, I guess she's gotten over me already. Whatever, I don't care. As long as she's not with me, I'm fine.

I snap out of my thoughts to find my friends staring at me, "What?"

Jeremy chuckles and says, "You wanna go to the music store?"

I nod, "Sure." And we go to the music store. When we get there, there's tons of instruments, CD's, and other musicial related items in there. I see a beautiful Gibson Les Paul and walk closer to it, soon the others notice me and walk closer to it too. My dad's taught me and my brother guitar before, but I rarely play it.

A worker comes up to us and asks if any of us would like to try it out, Jeremy says "He does" and points to me. Challenge accepted. The worker sets up the guitar and I put the strap around me, and start to play.


When I finish, almost everyone in the store claps, including my friends. "That was great, would you like to buy it?" The worker says, I think about it for a second.. "Yes, please." I take the guitar off of me and give it to the worker, Jeremy comes over and pats me on the back, "Good job, man! Play it again for me later?" I chuckle, "Sure, thanks." Kat, Spencer, and Kat come over and say it was a good job too. Soon we buy the guitar, CDs, and a few other items and leave the store. We go to Hot Topic next and I end up buying 3 beanies, 2 band t-shirts, 1 movie t-shirt, 3 rubber bracelets, and some CDs that the music.

Later on we go to the food court and Gabrielle isn't there. - Of course she isn't, Taylor. - Uh, anyways, after when we're done eating we go back to Jeremy's house and I walk to my house after to put away my stuff so I don't later, humming the song I played earlier. I walk past Hayley's house and I'm singing the song, loud and clear.

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