I'm Back

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*Chad's POV*

So, I'm here in Bridgewood searching for my girlfriend, Hayley. She and her friends may think we aren't together but deep down inside, I know she knows that we're dating. She just has too.

I also can't believe she sent me away to jail and an insane asylum. I am perfectly fine. But today they released me. I looked up her name and I found out she lives here. I got kicked out of college because of her STUPID "FRIENDS"! She loves me and trusts me. Not that Taylor kid. He doesn't love and know her like I do. He doesn't understand our love. Our sweet, sweet love. It's stronger than anything else.

I saw a high school up ahead and it's her high school. I found her. I've been searching for over four hours and I finally found her. I can't believe she transferred schools. The other school she went to was closer to me so, we could run away with each other.

Luckily, the school is just letting out. I saw Hayley in this incredible outfit. She looks hot. She's probably wearing this because she knows I get out today. Oh joy!

But that joy is ruined when, I see her with this guy that is not Taylor and they're looking a little too friendly. NO! This guy is gonna ruin everything! Hayley is MINE!! Well, it looks like I'm gonna have to get rid of some people.

I follow Hayley and this guy so that way, I can know where she's going. They stop at her house and she leads him to sit on the porch. She looks so happy and her smile is just, wow.

When the time was right, I showed up in front of Hayley's porch and said, "Hi Hayley. You look incredible."

As soon as she heard my voice, she looked up at me and gasped.

"Chad, what the hell are you doing here?" She asked her voice barely audible.

"They released me Hayles that's why I'm here and that's why you're dressed like that because you knew I was coming." I explained walking up to her.

As soon as I did that, she grasped the other guys arm. 

"Hayley, what are you doing? Who is this man, and why are you holding on to him?" I asked.

"He's my boyfriend, Chad." She replied.

"What about Taylor?" I asked.

"We broke up. Chad, you really need to leave."

"NO! I'm not leaving until you're mine again!" I Screamed. 

"Dude, didn't you just hear her? Get the fuck outta here!" The other guy yelled.

"No. Not without my Hayley!" I yelled lunging at them.

Hayley screamed and started crying, while the guy just punched me in the face. When I fell down, he picked me right back up and started punching me again vigorously. I punched back and he stumbled back. He lunged at me and pushed me down. He punched me again and again and again until, Hayley pulled him off of me.

"Brendon stop!" She screamed her tears now running.

Her makeup was ruined but I thought it was a turn on.

"You better be lucky she stopped me! Cause I would've killed you." He said angrily.

I started laughing and they looked at me crazy.

"You can't kill me! It's highly impossible. I just didn't fight back because I was tired. I've seen some things and it wouldn't be good for you." I told him.

"Oh yeah? Well, I've seen some things too! So you can't kill me either!" He replied.

"Chad, just leave please! I'm begging you!" Hayley told me crying again.

"Ok. But just because I love you." I said wiping away her tears with my finger.

"Such a pretty girl."

She jerked back and Brendon looked like he was about to strike again. Hayley pulled him back and he obeyed. 

"So, I'll be seeing you! Love you, Hayles. Bye!" I said waving and walking backwards.

~I finally got you Hayley Nichole Jones. Don't think I'm letting you go so easily.~

I turned around and left, in search of a place to stay. Permentaly.

So this chapter is done! Woo hoo! (said non enthusiastically) So, yall met Chad Hayley's cra cra ex. So whaddya think is gonna happen next? If this is too short, sorry deal with it. If it's not, good you dealt wit it. Bye stay depressed. Cause that's what I am at the time. Depressed and exhausted.   --_--

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