Just Tell Me

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*Kat's POV*

The gang and I are currently at our lockers talking and we were wondering where Hayley and Brendon were. Just when I was about to call Hayley, a very tired, breathing hard, distressed Brendon came running in the school.

"What the fuck do you want?" Taylor asked angrily.

"Don't start with me. Alright I'll tell you this right now, Chad has Hayley." He said.

"WHAT?!" We all screamed.

Taylor pushed Brendon against the lockers and yelled, "How could you have let this happen to my Hayley?!"

"What the fuck did you just say? I know you did not just say what I think you just said." Brendon asked

"Yeah, you didn't say what he and I thought you said did we, Taylor?" Gabrielle asked getting angry.

"What did I say?" T asked confused.

"You said, 'How could you have let this happen to my Hayley' What the hell is that Taylor?" Gabby yelled.

"Omg Tay, you're still in love with Hayley!" Dak exclaimed.

"You know fucking what? We'll settle this later. Now one of y'all answer me this: Who the fuck is Chad." Brendon asked angrily.

"Why don't we go to Hayley's house and talk about this?" I suggested.

Everyone nodded and we left school to go to Hayley's place.

When we were at Hayley's house everyone gathered in the upsatairs living room and Taylor and Dakotah explained the whole Chad thing.

"Alrighty," Dak started. "Chad is Hayley's over-protected cra cra bf. They started dating two years ago when Hayley was a freshmen and Chad had just started college. She, Kat and myself were sneaking out of our houses to go walk around, because that's what we always do, and while we were walking, we decided to go to the mall. While we were there, we saw this 'crazy hot guy', according to Hayley, and she wanted to talk to him. I, on the other hand, told her that she shouldn't do that because he is horrendous. Nonetheless, she talked to him. I saw Hayley's face light up and watched as she smiled. She was truly happy since her nasty split with Josh. Kat was a little skeptical him because of the way he would touch her. He wouldn't even talk to Kat and I. Like what the fuck? But anywho, two days later, they started going out. He always called Hayley. Like, 24/7 and it worried all of us. It seemed that whenever Hayley was around a guy that wasn't him, he would get mad at her and they would argue. It was around the same time T and Gabby went out also, when Hayley and T started falling in love. Then when Taylor and Gabrielle broke up, Hayley and Taylor hung out a lot more and that made Chad jealous. Like extremely jealous. He got so angry at Hayley that he hit her. Like slapped her. And kicked her. And made her feel like garbage. And he continued doing that because he knew that Hayley feared him. Then, she finally decided to break up with him. When they broke up, he started stalking her and that made Hayley so uncomfortable until we finally, decided to tell the po-po. He went to jail and tested positive for being cra-cra in the head. (a.n. idk what it's actually called) So there you have it: that's who Chad is. Now do you see why he is such a big deal?" Dakotah asked.

"Yeah." Brendon replied. "Why don't we go and try to find her?" He suggested.

Everyone nodded and we went in two separate cars to try and cover more ground.

In one car it was: me, Jeremy, T, Gabrielle, and in the other it was, Dak, Spencer and Brendon.

We were all riding for a really long time until we saw a very frightened Hayley. Dakotah called me and we were talking until we hatched a plan. The guys heard and we all agreed on what to do.

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