Chapter Seventeen

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"I have to tell you something  Dylan." Duke suddenly said and I looked at him surprised and honestly a little scared.


"There's a man here, he got Riley after the crash. I think you need to hear what he has to say." I felt my forehead crinkle and the confusion over take my brain.

"Where is he?" I watched as Duke nodded in Derek's direction before I watched Derek leave.

"What's going on!" I exclaimed.

"I think I can explain." I heard a small voice say, and when I looked up I saw a man dressed in all black covered in blood, but it wasn't his. I got up faster than I though possible and grabbed the man by the collar and pushed him up against the wall.

"You have two seconds to tell me who you are before I rip your throat out."

"Dylan, dude, calm down." I heard Duke try to calm me but my ears were ringing from anger.

"Answer me!" I growled out.

"I was hired to watch over Riley, to protect her from the man who's after her." He chocked out as my grip tightened.

I slowly let him down. "Who hired you?"

"Riley's mother."

"Riley's mother is in a coma.  Explain now." He shook his head. "I'm not waiting any longer."

"She knew someone was after her and Riley. She hired me a week before she was put in the coma. It was no accident or some unexplained medical phenomena. Someone put her in that coma."

"Who? Who are you protecting Riley from and who put her mother in the coma then?" I watched him take a deep breath in and slowly release it.

"Riley's mother was dating a man after her and her husband divorced. The man became obsessed over Riley. Attacked her when she was little. Her mother called the police, he was put in prison, end of story. He was released around the time Riley's mother was in the coma. I think he was involved. No, I know he was involved."

I walked away and forced myself not to punch the wall even though my body wanted it more than anything.

"Who is the bastard?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"His name is Blaine Daniels." I heard the man say.

"Do you have files and records on him-" I paused as I realized I didn't get his name.

"J.D." He answered and then added, "I have files on him, but there's not much. He's never been in prison until he attacked Riley." I nodded and began to think like an officer instead of a lunatic boyfriend.

"I want everything you have on the bastard, and I mean everything." J.D. nodded and left the waiting room.

I jumped when someone put there hand on my shoulder when I looked I saw that it was Duke.

"You okay, man?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No." Was all I said and I heard him sigh.

"Are you well enough to talk to the doctor?" He asked and I looked at him with wide eyes. "He's waiting for you, man." I nodded and walked away to a doctor wearing blue scrubs that were covered in blood. It made my heart stop.

"Doc, how is she?" I asked and I watched as he rubbed a hand over his face.

"She's worse than the last time you were here, that's for sure. She has a punctured lung due to one of her four broken ribs. She has a severe concussion, a broken wrist, and she was cut up pretty badly." I gritted my teeth and in my head vowed to kill the bastard with my own two hands.

"Is she awake?" I asked and he hesitated but nodded.

"She should be passed out from all the pain, but she's fighting it. Right now we are giving her some medicine for pain, and she's on an oxygen tank." He informed me.

"Can I see her?" I asked hopefully.

"I wouldn't usually let visitors in at this time, but she's requesting you. She won't relax, and she keeps crying." That's all he had to say and I was on my way. I checked every room until I finally found her. She looked so frail and fragile, I didn't want to touch her.

She was wrapped up in gauze covering her cuts, an I.V. was in her arm, and she was hooked up to an oxygen tank to help her breathe as she hyperventilated through her sobs.

"Riley?" I called out and when she saw me she stopped crying. She tried to say my name but gasped in pain.

"It's okay baby, it's okay." I said and made my way next to her bed and grabbed her unhurt wrist. "Listen to me Riley, I need you to get some rest, you're really hurt, baby." She looked at me with pleading eyes. "Riley, listen to me, just this once, get some rest. I'll be right here when you wake up, okay?" she nodded slowly and relaxed against her pillows just as a nurse came in.

"Hi honey I'm here to give you some medicine." She said and Riley looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"C'mon Riley, relax, just for me." She relaxed and let the nurse inject the medicine in her I.V. within minutes her eyes were closing and she was in a deep sleep.

"She'll be out for awhile, if you want to make yourself comfortable." The nurse said kindly before leaving.

After she left I looked over Riley and paid attention to every bruise, scratch, and broken bones, just so I knew exactly how I was going to get the son of a bitch back. And let me tell you he was definitely going to pay, and I was going to do it with my bare hands.

A/n Hey guys hope you had the greatest holiday ever! I have some news too! I decided that I will make a sequel to this book about one of the Barkley brothers so please tell me below who you would like to hear about next Dean or Derek anyway here is your chapter.

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