"It probably sounds weird, but in a way it's comforting to know that you're the one prepping me. After Aden. . well it was hard to wake up in the morning, but I would always remember you being so sweet. And it helped a lot. So thank you." I tell her with a soft voice.

She wipes a tear away from her eye and laughs. "How about we get that healthy baby out of you?"

I laugh and nod my head.

After changing into a blue gown and putting a net over my hair, she deems me ready for surgery. "Are you ready for this?" I ask Peeta and he laughs before answering.

"I've been ready my entire life."

As they roll my bed down the hallway I wave to Prim as she blows me a kiss.

"Good luck Rosy Posy!" Rye yells and I smile.

"Unfortunately Mr.Mellark, you won't be able to come any further with us. Generally the husband is allowed to come, but with your background, it might be best for you to stay out here." The nurse tells him and he nods his head.

"I love you, Katniss Mellark." He tells me for the first time in months. He kisses my nose and places his forehead against mine. "I expect a beautiful baby to be in your arms when you come out." He smiles and I laugh softly.

They start to roll me away and as his hand falls from mine I whisper to him. "I love you."

The room is cold and filled with doctors that smile at me as I come in the room. "You know the drill." The nurse whispers as she puts the mask over my face and I count back from 10.

The air is fresh and the trees are tall around me. "Katniss?" I spin around and smile when I see the little girl standing in front of me.

"Rue." She's taller than I remember, but her brown eyes are still filled with love. She runs and I embrace her in a hug.

"What are you doing here." She asks me as I sit down next to her.

I hardly knew the little girl, but she reminded me so much of Prim that I always felt a connection to her. "I'm having a baby."

"I know." She laughs and smiles a toothy grin at me.

"This place is beautiful." I say and admire the trees and fields of flowers.

"It should be, you made it up." She tells me and I shake my head at her mocking my imagination.

A ball rolls towards us and Rue spins it around in her fingers before a little blonde boy runs through the field towards us. "Here you go buddy." She tosses it to him and he smiles at her with a wide grin.

"I'm Aden." He has a small lisp from the missing tooth in his mouth and my breath is torn from me. "I've been waiting for you." He hugs me tightly and I feel the tears falling down my cheek.

He pulls away from me and looks at the little kids in the distance. "I gotta go." He whispers and runs towards the kids only looking back once to smile at me again.

"I told him someone special was coming soon." She whispers to me.

"I wish I could stay with him." I say and savor the feeling of him hugging me.

"You'll be with him eventually, but right now you have a family to take care of. It's time for you to meet her."

"It's a girl?" I ask and she nods.

"Go, don't worry about Aden. I'll watch him."

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." I whisper as I hug her.

"I never blamed you." She replies before the sky turns bright and she's suddenly gone.

The fluorescent lights shine down on me as I slowly open my eyes and I can feel Peeta gripping my hand tightly.

"You did great, Katniss. Absolutely amazing." The doctor holds a small pink bundle in her arms and I smile as she places her in my arms.

"It's a girl." Peeta says in admiration.

A girl.

I have a little girl.

To my slight surprise, I am not disappointed at all. In fact, the strangest warmth spreads throughout my entire body at the news. I have a little girl. My little baby girl. There aren't words to describe the depth of the love that immediately warms my heart when I look at her. I will do anything for my little girl. I will die for her. I will kill for her. There are no limits. No conditions. I love this child more than life itself. I love her more than anything or anyone. More than Peeta. More than myself. This little girl in my arms is everything.

"Look at her." He whispers and a tear falls from his eye. "She so beautiful."

I stare at my daughter and look at Peeta before I ask, "So what's her name?"

My question does the trick. "What?"

"Her name, Peeta," I repeat. "Our daughter came into the world nameless. We need to fix that."

"You pick," he says. "You're the one who did all the work."

"But you were the one who wanted a girl," I argue before quickly adding, "Not that I'm disappointed it's a girl. Just goes to show my instincts aren't always right, huh?" I smile wryly. "Come on, Peeta. I know you. You've thought of a name."

Peeta smiles, looking sheepish and nervous. His eyes drop to study my hand, his fingers wrapped around mine. There's a moment of silence before he finally reveals his thoughts. "Amnesty." His eyes hesitantly meet mine once more. "Amnesty Hope."

"Amnesty Hope Mellark," I say, testing the name aloud. Slowly, I begin to smile. It just sounds right. "It has a nice ring to it."

"It means freedom and that's what we are fighting for. That's what she deserves." Peeta says.

"Do you like it" He questions.

"I love it."

"Do you want to hold her?" I motion to our baby in my arms and he smiles at me in admiration.

"More than you know."

I slowly hand her to him and he cries as he looks at her piercing, blue eyes and raven, black hair.

"Hi Amnesty." He whispers to her. "Welcome to the world sweetie."

A.N. PEETA IS A DAD AHHHH! omg I'm so happy I can finally reveal the gender and name. I've been waiting for SO LONG. Hope you liked this!

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