Dance With Me

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When Finnick and Annie announced their engagement while Peeta was still in the hospital, I was jealous to say the least. But after watching Finnick smile at his fiancé, I couldn't help but be happy for them. With the wedding today, Peeta has thrown himself into making the perfect cake for Finnick and Annie.

While Peeta and Rye were busy with the cake, I took care of Finnick and Annie. We all wanted it to be as normal a wedding as possible, and so I had one or two conversations with Plutarch Heavensbee about how to throw a proper District 4 wedding. In case you're wondering, I totally won that argument. Pregnancy has enhanced the ferocity of my glare.

After Peeta's breakdown two nights ago, he's been less distant and kisses me goodnight. He is still in bed when I wake up and he smiles when he leaves. I suppose he needed to hit rock bottom before he could build himself back up.

And now as I stare up at Finnick and Annie at the alter, I smile remembering my toasting. I might have been in sweatpants and a t shirt but the look Annie is giving Finnick is so similar to Peeta and I.

The ceremony is quaint, but perfect. District 4 has their own wedding traditions, involving the marrying couple to be draped with a fishing net and touching each other's lips with salt water. I guess for the fishing district it makes sense, although I'm still a big fan of District 12's toasting. Especially mine and Peeta's. I close my eyes for a moment, and almost feel the subtle warmth of the flames that were flickering in the fireplace.

I open my eyes just in time to see Finnick kiss his bride. On cue, all of us stand, applauding and cheering. Most of District 13 is attending the wedding, one of the compromises I had to make with Plutarch, but Finnick and Annie don't seem to mind. They are oblivious to anyone other than each other.

After the ceremony music starts to play and every begins to dance. Being 8 months pregnant prevents me from even thinking about dancing, so I find a seat and simply watch. I enjoy the view of the festivities from one of the cloth-covered tables. Haymtich sits beside me, mumbling to himself about the abhorrent lack of alcohol. Apparently, it's a must at a wedding. But out of the corner of my eye, I still catch him tapping his foot to the beat of the music.

My eyes scan the crowd, noting the happy faces. More and more people from 13 are beginning to loosen up. Really, it's hard to fight the lightness of the atmosphere. It's fun to watch them struggle their way through the dances; but, eventually, they find themselves laughing at their missteps and simply trying again with a self-deprecating smile.

Prim is dancing happily with Rory, and I raise my eyebrows in slight surprise. That's a development I didn't know about. I'll have to corner her later and demand answers . . . or maybe I should go after Rory? He might be the first to talk under the withering heat of my glare.

"Easy, or they'll turn to dust where they stand," Peeta says with a slight smile as he takes the seat beside me, throwing his arm across the back of my chair. "They're just kids."

My eyes narrow. "He better not hurt her," I say, my eyes not leaving the young couple.

"She's happy." Peeta squeezes my shoulder. "Let her be."

I sigh in agreement as I watch Prim throw her head back and laugh at something Rory said. Oh, they're smitten, alright. But maybe Peeta's right. They should have fun.

"And don't worry about Rory," Peeta continues after a moment. "If he hurts her, he's dead."

I glance up at Peeta, unable to tell if he's serious or not. Nonetheless, I pat his knee. "If we have a girl, she'll never marry," I tease.

"Not a chance."

"You'll be a good father," I say softly, resting a hand on his chest, directly over his heart. "You really will."

Peeta smiles tentatively. "Let's hope so."

"Do you want to know something?" I ask Peeta and he glances at me from his chair.

"It depends." He jokes and I slap his arm.

"When I went to district 12, I couldn't go in our house." I tell him and he looks at me puzzled.


"Because you weren't with me. And I know it's crazy to think, but the house felt so lonely when I did finally go inside it. It was too big, almost cold without your smile."

"Why are you telling me this now?" He asks and his hand finds mine.

"After I have the baby, Coin will want to throw me into combat. And if you come, you have to promise you won't die. Because I don't know if I could loose you again."

He smiles softly. "I promise. Now let's forget about all this and have a good time." Peeta stands and offers me his hand. "Would you care to dance?" He smiles softly.

"I don't think you want me to dance with you. Don't you remember when I stepped on your toes at the winter festival?" I remind him of the previous time he asked me to dance and I stepped on his toes. . .more than once.

"Dance with me, Katniss." He extends his hand again and I take it while he leads me into the crowd of dancing couples.

I lay my head on his chest and listen to the heartbeat I had thought I'd never hear again. His arms are wrapped around me with love and I smile realizing that the Peeta I married, the man I fell in love with. . .he's finally come back to me.

"I've missed you." I whisper against his chest and breathe in his scent.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

A.N hola hola! What's up y'all. So I'm honestly not motivated to write lately and that is why my updates on this story are so slow! But anyways, I hope you guys liked it. Also, comment if you want Katniss to go into labor in the next chapter. BC that needs to happen soon.

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