Dancing In the Winter (Revised)

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Peeta's back slowly begins to heal and return to normal, or at least as normal as it can be. Mom says that he'll never really have his full strength back, but if he works hard he'll earn back most of it. It tears me up inside to see the scars the whip left behind on him. What use to be a perfectly toned back, is now full of pink scars and rigid lines, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I don't care that it isn't isn't perfectly polished and beautiful, the scars show bravery and survival.

I pull out a shirt from Peeta's top drawer and pull it over my head. The soft blue fabric that matches his eyes, is one of my favorite shirts to wear. It's also one of his favorites, which means we are constantly stealing it from each other. It hits mid thigh and is a round neck, but hangs low on my slender frame. I stare in the mirror and place my hands on my still flat stomach. I just hit 8 weeks and I can feel the tightness of my clothes. Peeta can't tell and neither can Prim, but I can. I won't lie and say that the fact I'm having a baby doesn't scare me, but it doesn't terrify me as much anymore.

"Katniss!" Peeta yells from the bottom of the stairs. "Come on, we're going to be late." He tells me as I walk down the stairs.

"Peeta, none of my clothes fit." I whine as he looks at my outfit. He chuckles and places an arm around my shoulder.

"Kat, you can't wear my t-shirt to the winter festival." He pulls me back up the stairs and undresses me himself. Laying out two outfits to choose from, he walks back down the stairs to wait at the door. I pick out the sunset orange shirt that has a tie under my chest, with a pair of black pants and hunting boots. 

As I pull the shirt over my head and tie the string in a bow I realize this isn't a normal shirt. It's a maternity shirt, and it's made by Cinna. I turn to stand sideways in the mirror and sure enough, you can see the smallest sign of a bump. I guess maternity clothes show off even the smallest of bumps.
Peeta whistles as I come down the stairs and I blush.

"How did Cinna know to send me maternity clothes?" I give him a joking look. He chuckles and grabs my coat.

"I might have made a few calls." He tells me with his boyish grin. My heart swells for this boy and I pull him in for a hug. "Your hugs are my favorite kind." He whispers in my ear. I laugh a little and pull away, kissing him softly. He moves to help me with my coat, but I stop him.

"Wait, there is something I want you to see first." I turn to the side and pull my shirt flat against my stomach. His eyes light up and he places his hands onto the tiny bump. It's so small that his hands cover up the entire form of my abdomen. Seeing Peeta's happy face doesn't take away my fear, but it helps. He leans down and kisses my lips while taking his hand in mine and leading me out the door.

"Well if it isn't the star crossed lovers of district twelve." Rye calls out as we walk hand in hand up to the bakery both. I blush and Peeta laughs.
"Don't blush rosy posy." Rye laughs some more before Wheat comes over and interrupts.

"How are you Katniss?" When Peeta and I told his family that I was pregnant, you could say Wheat became cautious. Never letting me help at the bakery or even pick up a broom. He's probably worse than Peeta. I laugh at his question and place my hand on my tummy.

"I'm fine, thanks Wheat." He nods his head and continues to help the customers.

"Let's go for a walk." Peeta whispers in my ear and links arms with me. We stop by ole sae's both and buy a cup of soup. "I think we need to talk about the deal." Peeta tells me once we are seated on a bench. I nod my head. "Snow wanted a baby and now that you are pregnant I'm worried what he'll do. What if he tries to send you to the Capitol or something." I place my hand over Peeta's.

"Calm down, it'll be okay. We're forgetting abut the reapings and the Capitol, remember?" I slowly soothe him. He nods his head and slowly gets up.

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