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WOAH GUYS!! Can you believe we are already in MOCKINGJAY! I'm so so so excited to continue this adventure with y'all. So this is not the first chapter, but it will be coming soon. I'm going to be take a little bit of a break before uploading the chapter, just bc I need one. Who's excited to see how Katniss is doing without Peeta? Is she going strong or breaking down? And I wonder if anyone in her family made it out, maybe even a few people from Peeta's family? Who do you think it is!Okay I suppose that is it!

First quote from MOCKINGJAY isssss.....Prim. (From chapter 3 of MJ)

"Katniss, they might be able to beat him and break his body, but they'll never break his soul. He has too much to fight for."

I want to wish the biggest thank you imaginable to teaandwriting for making the new cover for this story! Guys she seriously is an artist at this stuff. Thank you SO MUCH! I'm absolutely in love with it.

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