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"WHAAATTT!!!!!" Brass exclaimed." I said we should have a sleepover." Dawn corrected. "Fine...." Growled Brass.

Later that night(when Brass's mother agreed.) Dawn had called Serena over,(a friend of Brass and Dawn's friend from another school." So who are going with to your dance?" Dawn asked Serena." No one..." She replied. "Right, I'm calling Ash!!!!" Brass picked her phone up and called him, "Hey Ash, would you like to go to our dance, with Serena?"

" Sure... got to go!!!" He hung up. Serena just sat there in shock, staring at both of them. "Let's have a pillow fight!!!" Dawn yelled as she threw it at Brass. "It is on !!!" Brass screamed back. At the end of the fight Brass came out on top(literally the other two were on the ground.) "HA, I win" Brass punched the air. "We are ALL getting a make over!!!"

Dawn put 'all' with meaning as she got up. "What!? No, no, no ,no and no" replied Brass." Come on it'll be fun!!" Serena claimed. As Serena and Dawn got out their torture items, Brass dashed out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house. Luckily she had shoes on, she knew exactly where she would go.

Dialja was sitting in his and Brass's tree, in his back garden when Brass bolted in a slammed the gate behind her." Dialja, are you here" She whispered. Dialja decided that he'd give her a bit of a fright, he slowly climbed down and his behind a. bush-tree thing. When Brass walked by where he was hiding, he jumped out and put his right arm around her waist.

"Looking for me are you now ?" Dialja said over her shoulder(as they were around the same height, this was pretty much looking over.) "Very funny Dialja," Brass turned round to face him, they were only 3 inches away from each other. Dialja jumped back and Brass turned back, he jumped a little to far so he fell over with a thud. Brass offered her hand to Dialja, he took it and pulled himself up,

"W-w-what exactly are you doing here? Could you not live without me for half-a day?" Dialja teased her.
Brass folded her arms in front of her chest," Very funny, Dialja but the other girls were looking to make me over. So I thought I could hide here, you know up our tree," She pointed upwards. Just as Brass started to climb the tree with Dialja just behind her, the girls knocked on the closed gate.

"Go, go!!" Dialja murmured, next to her ear. Brass nodded and dissapeared up the tree. The girls opened the gate just as Dialja made it onto the first branch. "Dialja, where's Brass?" Serena asked as she put her hands on her hips. " Um, well.. She.." He replied. "It's fine we'll go." Dawn dragged Serena out the open gate and shut it behind her. As soon as they were gone Dialja scurried up the tree and sat beside Brass, as she stared at the faint stars in the sky." Thanks,"

Started Brass, " Huh? what for exactly?" He turned round to face her." For saying yes to my invite, it cheered me up a bit," She answered. " Oh, that, well I was eventually going to ask you anyways, sooo yeah" he trailed off. "Look, I've got to go," Brass turned round but turned back, "Thanks..." She lightly kissed him on the right cheek and jumped down from the branch and ran for it, all the way back to her friends/house.

Dialja just sat there in shock, with his mouth open. "You'll catch flies if you continue to do that," Ash had just appeared behind him, leaning against a higher branch. "You, you saw the that?" Dialja stuttered. "Yep and mate, don't screw it up next time," Ash jumped down from the tree and into his garden and into his house.

This was a crazy day, Dialja thought as he drifted of to sleep.

By the way, Dialja is prounced: die- al- ga. The YouTube video up there is just something I found. It's really weird like me.


Brass and Dialja(DISCONT) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang