-I know u color coordinate your M&Ms. Why r u sending me a video of it?-Z

I mentally smacked myself while I sighed loudly. The message was clearly spelled out and he couldn't see it. So I took a picture of it and sent it to him with a message.

-There's a message in those M&Ms. Take a closer look!-

He text back,

-I'm still not seeing it-Z

-I'll post it to Twitter and see what your followers say. k? good.-

I logged onto Twitter and posted the Vine video.

Zak_Bagans can't figure out what this message says. Please help him out!

After about five minutes I got a call from Zak.

"Are you serious?" He asked without saying hello.

"Serious about posting the video or what the message says?"

"The message."

"Yeah. It's true."

The line was quiet for a few minutes and he started to worry me.


"Hey there Kayla. Conrads to you both."

"Billy? What's going on? Why are you on Zak's phone?"

"Everything's fine Kayla. Zak's out in the hall acting like a kid with a sugar rush. He's jumping around everywhere and twirling Abby around. He's back, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright," I said laughing.

"Do you know how happy you've made me?"

"I can just imagine," I said giggling at Zak.

"How about we go out to eat tonight? You get to pick the place honey."

"If you insist. How about mexican?"

"Sounds good to me. Me and Abby will be there here in a little bit."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too.


"Honey Bear, do you want me to take sprinkles for the weekend? It looks like you could use some rest."

"Please mommy! Can I spent the night at grandpa's?" Abby asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I guess you could. Go pack your night bag."

"Thanks mommy," She said while hugging me and then ran to her room.

"Are you going to be ok by yourself?"

"I'll be fine dad. Zak's lane will be landing in a few hours."


Abby came back down with her night bag.

"I love you mommy," She said kissing my cheek then looked at my belly, "Love you Alex," then kissed it.

"Love you too baby girl."

When they left I layed down on the couch and Gracie jumped up on top of it with me. She put her head on my legs and I fell to sleep quickly.

I felt Gracie's head pop up and she jumped off the couch. I opened my eyes to see what time it was, 1:27am. I heard the front door open and close quietly so I got up to greet Zak.

"Hi honey," I said kissing him, I could tell he was exhausted from the investigation and from the plane ride.

"Hey," He said with a yawn then kissed me.

That kiss was over quick when I groaned in displeasure.

"What's wrong?" Zak asked yawning again and rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"I'm having contractions."

"That's good," He said as he started to walk past me but stopped and turned around quickly.

"Contractions? As in the baby's coming?" He asked wide awake now and in alert mode.

I nodded my head as another one came.

"How far apart are they?"

"I don't know. They just started."

"We've got to pack you're bag..."


"Call my mom..."


"Call your dad..."



"First of all calm down. Second, I've already got the bag packed. Third, go call your mom and I'll call my dad. ok?"

"Right," he said and kissed me before calling his mom.

While he was talking to his mom I called my dad and told him what was going on and I timed the contractions. When they were about ten minutes apart I told Zak we needed to leave. I know Zak hates demons, but he was being a demon right now by putting the gas petal practically into the floor board.

When we arrived my dad was there and Zak's mom was there.

"How are you feeling Honey Bear?"

"I'm fine dad. Is Abby ok?"

"Yeah, she's fast asleep. Shelly's looking after her."

A few minutes went by and I was put into a delivery room. Zak was on my left, my dad was on my right, and Zak's mom was by Zak rubbing his back trying to calm him down. I couldn't help but notice that Zak looked pretty good wearing scrubs. The doctor came in and check to see if I was ready, and I was.

"Kayla, when you feel a contraction I need you to push."

I nodded and when I felt a contraction I pushed. Zak's mom counted to 15 while I squeezed my dad's and Zak's hand. A few hours went by and finally the doctor said one more push and I pushed. Right after that we heard a wailing noise and the doctor asked Zak if he wanted to cut the cord. Zak cut the cord while he looked like he was going to pass out, but he got it done. The nurses cleaned Alexander Tristan Bagans up and handed him to me. Zak started rubbing Alex's cheek with the back of his index finger.

"He's so small and soft."

"He's a spitting image of you when you were a baby," Zak's mom said to him.

Everybody took turns holding him until the nurse came and got Alex to put him in the nursery. A little while later Zak's mom and my dad left. I was transferred to a normal room and Zak crawled into the bed with me. I layed my head on his chest while he rubbed my back soothingly. I have two amazing children and an amazing husband. What more could I ask for?

A/N: Well that's it for this story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have. I want to thank the people that has read this and that have taken the time to review it as well. Thank you. :)

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