Julian was still fuming. He stood up from his chair & went to open the sliding doors. He gave John the death stare then looked back at Nadia.

"I need some time," Julian spoke quietly. "But as of right now, I want you two to get the hell out of my house."

Nadia soon stormed past her father & gave her emotional mother a kiss on the cheek. She grabbed John by the shirt and they quickly left. When they got outside, Nadia screamed and John immediately went to calm her down.

"Don't stress yourself out too much," he said. "Too much stress could make you miscarry."

"Wouldn't exactly be a bad thing, would it?"

Distraught, Nadia makes her way down the stone path back to her car.

. . .

"Good news," an optimistic Ty spoke once he joined Lucy by the pool. She was sitting at the patio table with her laptop, finalizing all the RSVP's for her parent's anniversary party.

"What's up?"

"Just got off the phone with my boy, he said he could let us borrow his speakers for free. So you can tell Jack not to worry."

Lucy sighed with relief. "Tell him he's a lifesaver. Anything to save money."

Jack Johnson was set to DJ the party & his speakers had stopped working during a test run. Ty & Lucy high five and they're soon joined by their father, Gregory. Lucy's mother, Elaine, soon follows.

"Lucy...Ty," Gregory clears his throat. "You two need to cancel the party."

"Wha- no!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Why?" Ty asked.

"Just tell them Greg," Elaine exhaled.

"We're...getting a divorce."

Lucy chuckles. "Nice one. Fine, I'll just cancel it, no need to be dramatic."

Ty's mood fell and he looked at Lucy, hoping she'd realize it was the real deal. Lucy looked back up from her computer & glanced at everyone's serious expressions.

"You're serious," Lucy frowned.

"We're so sorry sweetheart," Elaine spoke. "We've tried for years without anyone knowing. Therapy sessions, vacation getaways, expressing ourselves more...we've just grown apart.

Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes. Her parents sat down at the table with her & Ty but she stood up, shaking her head.

"I have to go." Lucy's voice shook. "Ty can...he can cancel everything. I just have to leave this place."

"Sit down, Lucy," Greg said. "Let's talk about this."

"I don't feel like talking!"

She ran inside, grabbing her bag off the kitchen counter and leaving her house altogether. She wasn't even thinking about where she was headed and before she knew it, she was a block away from Nate's house. She parked in front of a random house and called him, seeing if he was home, and he was. So she drove the extra block & surrendered in his arms, completely breaking down.

"Are your parents here?" Lucy sniffled.

"Nah," he answered. "They're at some golf thing with Stew."

"Cool," she took deep breaths as she paced the foyer.

"What's goin' on?" He saw she was clearly emotional.

She didn't even answer, she walked up the stairs and to his room with him trailing behind her, calling out to her.

"Lucy, what the fuck? You just bust into my house without tellin' me what's wrong?"

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