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[(F/f) means favorite food]

                           (Y/n) Pov
You slowly open your eyes to find that your still alive. You look around and see you fell on a pile of golden flowers.
   "Where am I?" You say to yourself... or so you thought.
   "Howdy. I heard you ask where you are." Said a strange talking flower next to you.
   "Who are you?!" You asked looking around.    "I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower."
   "I can tell your confused, ... I am a little too. Frisk usually Resets by now. Any way, what's your name?"
   "(Y/n)." You reply.
   "Ok (Y/n), I should show you how things work around here. Here we go!" Everything around you turned black and white, except the golden, glowing heart in front of you.
   "See that heart? That's your soul. The very culmination of your being. It starts off weak but can grow strong by gaining LV. What's LV you ask? Why it stands for lo-".
   "It stands for Level of Violence." You said, surprising yourself.
   "...How do you know that?" Flowey asked suspiciously.
   "I remember someone I know telling me that, a long time ago. And EXP stands for execution points and HP for hope."
   "So you know about attacks, huh?" Flowey asks disappointedly.
  "Well, I guess I can get straight to the point then. Flowey circles your soul with white bullet like pellets and swiftly makes them get closer, and closer.
   "DIE." He says in a demonic voice, until- "... Wah- Aaah!" Flowey flys away due to some sort of fireball, and a goat lady comes to your aid.
   "Oh my! Are you hurt my child?" You smile and reply,
  "Nope! Not a scratch! That could have been bad, but then you saved me! Thank you Ms?"   
   "Oh! My name is Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. Please, come with me. You look really tired from the fall and encountering Flowey. Come with me, I have a place you can can stay at and get some new clothes." You thank Toriel and follow her to her home where she gives you your very own room and cell phone.
   "The closet has some brand new clothes in many different sizes. Feel free to take whatever suits you." Toriel shows you the closet filled with dozens of different sizes and types of clothing. You find a black, long sleeved turtleneck with three red stripes (or red with 3 black stripes, whichever you like more) and black shorts with tights to go under. You keep the black combat boots you had fallen in on and your backpack with all your supplies. Soon (after a quick nap and shower) Toriel calls your name for dinner. She made (f/f) and butterscotch cinnamon pie for dessert. She also wrapped up an extra piece for you to have later. She said she was going to make snail pie at first. It's a good thing she changed her mind. This makes you even more optimistic.
*Time skip 2 weeks*
You had lived with Toriel for 2 weeks now and she was finally going to let you explore the rest of the underground. You got your supplies ready and got ready to set off on the long journey ahead. When you reach the large purple doors you turned and hugged Toriel goodbye. She opened the doors and you were hit with the cold snow. It was calming, but very cold.
   "At least it's not in the negatives." You said smiling to yourself. You walked ahead to a bridge that you just barely crossed before it gave out and broke. Luckily, you didn't fall. You looked ahead and saw a skeleton in a blue jacket sleeping at some sort of post or stand. You quietly walked over and you were about to wake him up when his eyes snapped open and his left eye flared blue fire.

Hi! I hope you enjoy the second chapter of The Golden Soul. Sorry (not sorry) for the Clift hanger. I hope your happy that this chapter is longer and I'll try my best to make the next chapter more interesting. Bye!

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