"Stupid..Fucking Bitch" he snarled in a slurred voice as he stalked forward. She stood her ground unfazed as he approached with his hand raised to hit her in the face. His hand was stopped in mid air by Jax who was standing behind him clutching his hand with great strength. The old man groaned and she took the opportunity to back hand his face. The hit stunned him so Jax released his hand letting him fall on the ground. Jax raised up his foot and delivered a powerful kick to the face. She followed suit sending her heel crashing into his stomach. Soon they were both kicking him until he was spitting up blood on their shoes and on the road. He tried to reach up and grab her ankle but she easily shook him off then stepped on his fingers; easily breaking them. He screamed weakly making them laugh as they continued to kick him mercilessly. The blood didn't stop even after they finished kicking him; he was a mess. Drenched in his own blood with gashes and bruises forming on his face giving her a sick satisfaction that had her grinning from ear to ear.

"Enough! I need him alive for what I have planned. Take him back to the house and strap him down in the basement I'll dispose of the car" she told Jax who nodded hoisting the bloody man up from the road then carelessly tossing him in the back of the truck. She cleaned off the blood from her heels as she walked toward the car and got in, slamming the door behind her. Jax waited for her to start the ignition before he started the truck and drove off back in the other direction while she continued down the desolate road.

She had to time this just perfectly. The car had to disappear somewhere so no one would ever find it which gave her many options. She could blow up the car which would leave smoke in the air or she could push it down a cliff but of course someone was bound to notice. The only option was to hide somewhere in the woods. There were some woods nearby which no one usually went it so she drove the car far into the wooded area and made sure no one was going to find it.

After she was sure it was well hidden she called Jax to come pick her up so she could prepare for her next date with Hunter.


This date was going to be somewhat like the last one but since the bastard Ray hadn't given up much information about Hunter it seemed like she would just have to get it out herself. For this she chose to wear black shorts and a white tank top with a matching black jacket. Leaving her hair down she eyed her appearance then turned away heading downstairs. Jax was sitting comfortably in a kitchen chair twisting a knife between his fingers. When she entered he looked up and said

"Going to see Hunter" she nodded heading toward the door but his words stopped her dead in her tracks.

"I want to meet Hunter bring him over in fact show him what we are" he smiled as if she were missing the punch line to the joke.

"Why the fuck would I do that?"

"If you plan to make him one of us I should at least get to meet him face to face to see what needs to be fixed. Either you bring him by or I go find him which one Raven?" he asked with a sinister smile that made her groan an annoyance but she hated to admit if she wanted this to work Hunter would need to meet him.

"Fine" she growled then added "But you'll meet him on my terms!" she waited until he nodded then headed out to pick up Hunter.


After she collected Hunter from his home, she drove a short way down a deserted road then parked in a nearby field. They got of the car and rested upon the hood of the car, gazing at the darken sky.

"Hunter tell me more about yourself like how old are you?"

"I'm nineteen" he cleared his throat "Mark is twenty and Ray is twenty three. I'm the youngest that's why they always looked down on me because I was helpless".

"You should've used that to your advantage. Your helplessness could be a good thing people will underestimate it" she hinted at him evilly earning a timid smile from him.

"How old are you?" He asked changing the subject.

"I'm eighteen" she replied and began asking her even more questions about her life. She easily lied and told half truths because he wasn't quite ready to know yet but he would soon. She learned much more about him and each second he became intriguing. He didn't go to high school anymore because his father made him drop out his sophomore year telling him that school was a waste of money even though she could tell he was really smart. The only reason he put up with his fathers abuse is because he had nowhere to go. He had no friends, no other family basically he would be stuck with his family for the rest of life until he was either kicked out or dead but he was the definition of the word sweet and helpless; she hoped to change all that. As the night grew even later she changed the subject to something that had wandered through her mind a few times.

"Hunter I'm going to ask you something and be honest with me" she told him seriously and he nodded obediently.

"Have you ever had sex?"

Hunters face turned bright red and he adjusted the glasses on his face then ran his fingers through his long shaggy hair.

"No....No I....I've never had sex" he mumbled in embarrassment but the little confession was enough to make her grin wide to herself. He was sweet, untouched he was damn near perfect.

"I'm glad you haven't had sex" she admitted.

"Would you want to have sex with me?" she asked wanting to hear what his response would be.

"Umm..." he hesitated then in a low voice said "Yes....when the time was right...and.....only if you wanted too". She let out a low relaxed moan that turned into a yawn that made Hunter laugh quietly. She turned smiling at him, leaning towards him she said

"Come to my house tonight"

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