Chapter 2: A dog named Max

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     As I walked out the door a wave of nausea hit me. On the ground was a dog, its fur caked with blood, eyed shut tightly in pain. Kneeling down I crept closer to it and was a but hesitant, but I went to check its pulse and had put my head to its chest to here it's heartbeat...nothing. I then looked along the dogs fur and saw something shining through the blood, it was silver in color and had a slight greenish hue to it in the silver. Once I got a closer look, I immediately flipped it over, knowing exactly what it was. A dog tag.
Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I saw the picture of the dogs face and the inscription on the bottom. 'Max,
42 Willow street'. I pulled away and silently got a blanket that was nearby the store and put it over the animal in respect. Praying that it would be okay in the next life. I then got back up and walked along the dusted ground, proceeding my way back home.
I shivered, putting my hands to my arms and rubbing them a bit to help bring heat to my body so as not to freeze from the late autumn air, the wind sending chills down my body.

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