SGM 1: Aviation Domination

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Out from the clouds and the sky comes the Tigeroid Airship containing young Tigeroids named Rai, Tori, Sena, Hak, Finn, and Donha. The battle was over and peace was restored while Rai thought about what to do next in his life. Meanwhile, the others were having a party about the celebration and ate food.

"Donha! Stop hogging all the food. You didn't have Finn a chance to eat. (Giggle)" Tori shouted. Donha munched "Sorry. These party poppers are so delicous." "Oh Donha. You never change. I don't know when will you ever stop eating." Sena replied and Finn nodded. Hak looked around. "Hey! Where's Rai? I thought he was going to join the party?" Everyone then looked around the table. "I think he's in the balcony. I'll go see him." as Sena left the table.

As Sena walked up the stairs, Rai was about to turn back until they bumped into each other. "OW! RAI!" Sena screamed. "Oh. Sorry Sena. I'm just not in the mood right now." then Rai walked away. Sena scratched her head and became confused. "What is up with Rai? He doesn't turn mad like he does in the old days."
At night, Sena knocked into Rai's door to see if he's ok. "Rai? Are you ok?" Sena questioned. "I'm ok. I just don't know what to do next in life. Should I stay with you guys or move on?" Rai replied. "Rai, please don't leave us. You are still our team member. Even in those hard times, we never gave up on you. We still treated you as a brother in our family.

Rai then started to cry and hugged Sena for the things she said to him. "Rai please it's ok. I understand. We are still friends. Not enemies. Now please give me a smile because your missing the leftovers from the party." as Sena grabbed Rai's hand and took him to the party.

On the other world far from Rai's dimension, lives a little chick name Peep who walks in the so-called "The Big Wide World". Peep's world is so big that the insects, small mammals, and other creatures look gigantic as a beast. One day, Peep was wandering around the pond with Chirp and Quack until they spotted a strange card. "Woooohhhh!!!!! Look at this strange paper thingy!" Quack replied.

"Wow! What is it?" Peep replied with curiousity. "I think it's some type of card." Chirp replied. "Uhhh....what's a card?" Peep questioned. "It's a thingy that is part of a game of some sort. " Chirp replied. Quack started to excite "WHO CARES? THE CARD IS AWESOME. I'LL TAKE IT!" "Uh. I'm not sure. It has a freaky monster in it." Peep shivered. Strangely, the rain came down immediately and a portal appeared within the card making Peep and his friends run away.

Back to Rai's dimension, Hak sensed a signal that a Tai Chi card is detected around the northern skies. "Guys! Guys! Tai Chi Card detected at the North. Come here quickly! Quickly!" Hak shouted to the speaker. "Hak! The card is too hard to see because we are in a storm." Sena replied. "Yeah and the lights cannot penetrate through the clouds." Tori replied. "Look this Tai Chi card has an even stronger presence unlike the others. We must get this one!" Hak ordered.

"ALRIGHT ANOTHER TAI CHI CARD! IF I CAN GET THIS ONE, I'LL BE STRONGER THAT SENA!" Rai bragged. "RAI! YOU SHOWOFF" Sena screamed. All of a sudden, the same vortex appeared and tried to suck in the Tigeroid Airship as Rai and his team braced for cover. "Hak! Try to get us out of here or else we will be eaten by that space sucker! Donha shouted. "I can't there's no control!" As Hak tried his best.

Eventually, the Tigeroid Airship got sucked into the vortex and sent into Peep's world. After the storm subsided, Peep and his friends saw the Tigeroid Airship floating in Quack's pond. "Ahhh!!!! Peep! Chirp! Was is that?" as Quack ran behind them. "I.....I don't know? It looks like a tiger made out of metal." Chirp shivered. "Chirp......Quack....wh..what are we going to do?" Peep shivered. "I don't know or I don't care what you guys will do but GET RID OF IT!!!!!!!." Quack screamed.

As Quack swam closer to the ship, Tori and Donha were trying to get out from the ship on the other side of the door. "Rock! BLAST!!!!!!!!" as Donha summoned his Tai Chi Card busting the door down. Quack jumped out of the water and accidentally fell onto Donha and Tori. They both screamed "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" and fell down back into the ship. "Quack!" Chirp screamed. "Oh no! Aliens do exist! They taken QUACK!!!!!!!!." Peep frightened. Will the Tai Chi Chasers get a good welcome from Peep and his friends? Or Peep thinks that the Tai Chi Chasers are a major threat to the Big Wide World? Find out next in Peep and the Tai Chi Chasers!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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