Chapter Nine

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One more thing.

One more thing has happened, and I am writing this as quickly as I can dk that it can be included with the rest of my story.

A few more weeks had passed since I'd finished the rough draft of the previous chapter, which I had believed to be my last.

Between my regular Princess duties, and helping my sister to make arrangements for Starlight Glimmer to stay with Twilight Sparkle and learn under her wing, I spent some time every night going over the drafts of each of my chapters, making some edits in spelling and grammar and ensuring that everything was written down in the correct chronological order.

I had been doing so this very same night, no different from any of the previous nights. My specially magnified reading glasses sat atop my snout. I had lit a few candles around me for some light and a pleasant scent, conducive to my process. It was close to midnight, and I was about ready to take a break.

The clock chimed midnight. 12 times the bell of my grandfather clock tolled. The chimes we accompanied by the sounds of roaring engines.

I turned, "What is that?" I asked aloud.

The doors to my balcony were open, and the curtains were blown inwards by a sudden, concentrated, and forceful gust of wind.

And just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped again.

"Is somepony there?" I called out, removing my glasses.

"Excuse me, Princess. Sorry to bother you at this time, but I couldn't help but intrude." I heard a faint voice through the walls of my room.

It was HIS voice.

I galloped to the open balcony doors so quickly I almost tripped. But there was nothing. No one outside. My eyebrows furrowed.

I knew I wasn't dreaming...

The door to my room opened. I spun around, and my sister was there. I smiled a bit, and she grinned back at me. In fact, she was beaming.

"You have a visitor, sister." She said.

Then in he came, closing the door behind him so it was just the two of us. He had no scar nor black blotches in his main and tail anymore; he looked as young as when I'd first met him.

I rubbed my eyes. He was really there! It almost felt unreal, how suddenly he had just dropped in for a visit.

He smiled at me; a virtual reenactment of the first time he'd ever smiled at me.

"Hey, Princess." He greeted.

I had to laugh. A quick yet hearty chuckle escaped me,

"You already know me, Alex. There's hardly a need for formalities. Call me Luna, like you always have." I told him. He nodded.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it, Luna?"

"Far far too long. I-I didn't expect our paths to ever cross again." I admitted.

He trotted out onto my balcony. I followed him out, and we sat down facing each other. It was a lovely Spring night. A cool breeze flowed through the air.

"How've you been?" He asked me.

"I've been well. Much better now than ever before, and very happy to see you. I've missed you terribly." I answered quickly, in a feverish excitement.

He chuckled and smiled again, "That's great. I've heard all about your return and everything that's taken place since then. I'm proud of you." He said.

It was a wonderful thing to hear him say.

"Where have you been, Alex? I haven't seen nor heard from you in so long." I asked.

"Well, just out doing my own thing. I would've come to visit you sooner, but...I hesitated." Alex admitted with a shrug, avoiding eye contact.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"Well you know, it'd been so long, and...I just...ahem, I wasn't sure how you would react. I didn't know if there were hard feelings or something..." Alex explained.

Alex was short on words, but I had no less than a million things I wanted to say. There were so many things I wish I could've told him, but I didn't have enough time to do so.

I even considered taking the drafts I had written of this story and letting him read them to help summarize all I had gone through before, during, and after his visits.

And yet, nothing came out. Only one thing mattered to me at that point.

I stood up, composing myself so as not to rush too eagerly to him. I hugged him tightly. He stood, and returned my embrace with one arm.

Finally, my missing piece had been filled...

I had forgiveness.

The End
(For Real This Time)

~Princess Luna

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