Chapter Three

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Contrary to what I expected at the time, Alex did not return the next day. I suppose that the disappointment that followed this fact could be only attributed to my initial excitement in first meeting him.

Nearly three and a half centuries of solitude in total solitude now, I became very quickly attached to my memories of him, as brief and as few of them as they were.

When a day passed, and he still did not return, my hopes began to diminish. I began to wonder whether or not his promise had been a lie.

Another few days passed, and my concern became anger...

Allow me to reemphasize, I was much younger and much less in control of my emotions at this time.

When several more days passed, I had already given up hope that he'd return...

And that's exactly when he did.

Again, I was involved in my game of Crater Maker when the mechanical noises of his box, or spacecraft, suddenly surrounded me again. I still felt that chill down my spine, but this time, there was no fear present within me.

Alex opened the door of his box, peeking out. Instantly, he was greeted by my cold stare.

"Sorry sorry, I know I was gone awhile. I put in the wrong date." He said quickly before turning and dragging a small little white cart out of the box. The door closed on its own.

I said nothing, eyeing both him and the small cart.

"How long was I gone?" He asked once he had set down his cart.

"Nearly a fortnight." I answered, already feeling my anger start to melt away.

"Oh. Well it isn't the worst. Although, I wanted to be here the day after I was last here, but like I said, I made a mistake. Sorry again."

"It's fine." I said, mentally kicking myself for abandoning my resolve so quickly.

"How are you?" He asked politely.

I sighed a bit, "I am well, I suppose. Attempting to keep myself entertained in this place, where there is none." I explained.

Alex nodded, looking around at the vast emptiness of the lunar surface.

"Yeah, I can see how that would be a challenge. I brought you some more food. For a picnic of sorts." He offered, gesturing to his cart.

I paused for a moment, wondering what were the contents of the cart. I nodded quickly.

Sitting across from him, he opened the cart.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the cart.

"It's a cooler. It keeps hot food hot and cold food cold, more or less." He opened up the top door, allowing me to look inside.

I saw the elements to make a sandwich, fruits, crackers, water, and other assorted foods. He opened the bottom door next. Inside was a pile of ice, water bottles, and cans labeled: Coca-Cola.

I eyed these things curiously, and with some self reflection of my actions upon his last visit, which had included not only aforementioned feelings of anger, but also feelings of guilt for being so ungrateful towards his last gift.

I was far more inclined to be appreciative of this gift...

And then a question came to my mind. I didn't hesitate to ask it.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Doing what, Princess?" He asked.

I was momentarily thrown off by his respectful tone, but I went ahead and elaborated.

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