Against my will, I picked up the fork, to lost in my own confusion to care about what I was putting in my mouth.

Fifteen minutes later, after a long internal battle with myself, fighting against the fork and food, I finished what was on my plate, slamming my fork down angrily on my plate when I was finished.

"I hope I didn't burn your bacon too much," Anna murmured. "Linda makes it better."

Huh. Bacon, that's what I was eating.

"What day is it?" I asked quietly.

"Thursday," Chelsea supplied.

Thursday, so, if I was correct I had been with these people for about a week now. Time really flew when you were being held captive.

"Linda, Chelsea and myself are going to start baking after lunch today for the party tomorrow," Anna said cheerfully. "Do you want to help?"

I shrugged. "Whatever." It would be better then just sitting up in my room. Besides, being down here, I could have a better escaping opportunity.

"Great!" She clapped her hands together, "you boys aren't allowed in the kitchen when we start. The last thing we need is you picking at the food."

Joe grumbled something, earning him a smack on the head with the wooden spoon in Anna's hand.

Kian folded the paper and put it in the bin behind him. He opened his mouth to say something when Linda and Ross walked in.

"Boys, meeting down in the basement. The others will be here soon." He kissed Linda on the head before leaving. The rest of the boys followed, and I felt some tension ease from the air.

I turned to Chelsea, "what was that?"

"What was what?"

"Two days ago you were hell bent on slaughtering people, and now your warming up to him?"

She sighed, "I can't ignore it any more. He's my mate Molly. You need to embrace it."

That was it. I had lost an ally.

"It really isn't a bad thing. Once you accept it, things get so easy...everything just feels so right. So amazing."

I glared, "So you have accepted your death, your boyfriends and families pain, and the fact that on the next moon you will turn into a fury monster?"

She paled, her lips going into a thin line. "God what's going on with me?" She whispered.

"Nothing," Linda chimed in then. "You are accepting destiny."

I stood up, "she is accepting nothing! What are you dong? Drugging her? Drugging the food? What, in an hour I'll be going goo goo in the head like her?"

"Its the bite Molly," Chelsea whispered. "Every time he bites me I feel myself embracing everything. Already I can hear snippets of the wolf in my head." She stood up, staring at Anna and Linda who had been mostly silent through this.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the front door, causing everyone to jump.

"I'll get it," Linda said, rushing to open it. A bunch of men stormed past the kitchen to where I presumed the basement was. Linda followed. Obviously she was going to tell.

"Anna," Anna whipped her head around to face me.

"Please," she whispered. "Please don't ask me what you're about to. I know what it feels like, when Joe isn't near me. And I won't do that to either of those boys. I'm sorry." Her eyes had started to well up.

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