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Patrick's POV

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Baby
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Lets just talk about this
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im sorry and you know that
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Ill do anything for you
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - How many times do I have to apologise
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im outside if you wanna come and talk
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Ive been here an hour and I'll wait all night if I have to
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Please let me in
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Ethan answered the door and said to go away so I guess you told him
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im still here if you want me
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I love you
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Ok I'll go home if you don't want me here
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Ill see you tomorrow
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I love you so much
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I promise we'll work this out
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im sorry
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Ill go away now
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I love you my punky angel

He messages me all afternoon and all night and Ethan comes up to tell me he came over but I don't care. He can apologise and try to make this right all he wants but I'm not forgiving him. He wants me to put up with him hitting me when he can't even put up with not doing it. I'm supposed to forgive him but I can't, I can't forgive that. He might love me and want to make this right but it doesn't change the fact that when I need him the most he's never here.

The night seems to drag on but the morning comes eventually so I have to force my eyes open and force myself to move.

People push me a bit as I go down the hall but the morning goes well. My class is right by the bathroom so I can go there without anyone following since it's the only safe place for me.

I stay there for half an hour and jam the door shut like Pete did yesterday so I eat my lunch without anyone coming in. No one even tries to come in luckily but I sit against the door in case jamming it isn't enough.

10 minutes until the bell I slowly chew my cookie and work on my math homework until the door wiggles. I push myself back against it but the door is pretty well jammed shut and doesn't open. I still sit there trying to stay quiet as the person pushes at the door.

"Patrick open up quick" "No" "Patrick it's me" "I know, that's why I said no" "Let me in" "No go away" "Hurry up there's people coming down the hall".

I hate him but I also love him so I open the door so he can slip in then close it again and lean against it. "Hey punky" "Hi" "What are you doing here?" "My homework" "No I mean why are you here?" "Why not? It's a good private place" "You're avoiding me?" "No I'm avoiding everyone, I don't wanna get beaten up and insulted" "I'm sorry, I would have come earlier but I didn't know you were here" "I don't want you here" "We're gonna work this out" "No we're not" "We're going to so shut up" "No, I told you what I wanted and told you to stop but you didn't, I've said we're over, I don't want you" "That's a lie" "Yeah it is, I want you but you can't stop abusing me so I can't have you" "Please baby" "No, you can stay if you want, I can't force you out of here but I need to do homework" "Ok I guess, I'll just stay here"

We sit in silence as I struggle through equations. Its hard since my teacher sucks and never explains how to work it out but I'm alright at math so I manage it.

"Punky?" "What?" "Are you ever going to forgive me?" "If you come out and accept me" "So that's a no?" "No it's if you stop being a bully or after we graduate" "Really?" "Yeah, we won't be in school so you can leave your friends" "I can't wait a year and a half" "Well it seems like you'll have to" "We'll both be different by then" "Yeah maybe you'll be less of an asshole" "Fine, if you don't want me that's fine, I don't care" "Good"

I finish eating in silence then start packing up my stuff "I guess I'll see you sometime" "Don't leave" "Why not?" "Because I don't want you to" "I don't care what you want" "Well you should so sit the fuck down". He grabs my wrist and forces me down to the ground.

"Babe just get over this and forgive me and lets be happy" "No let me go" "Not until you stop this" "No I'm not going to" "Just shut up". Pete's being an asshole which is so weird because he usually only acts like this in public. When we're along he's usually super sweet but now he's scaring me and I hate it. This is exactly why I don't wanna be with him, maybe the asshole he is around Andy and Joe is who he really is.

"Pete let me go, I don't wanna be around you right now" "Why not? I like being around you and I wanna work this out" "Please panda, let me go" "No sit the hell down" "Let me go, please Pete I'm upset and I don't need this right now" "I don't give a fuck so sit the fuck down you fucking faggot"

He pulls my arm so hard my knees buckle and I fall back to the ground as he kneels over me "What is your problem loser?" He's terrifying kneeling over me pissed off when we're alone here and he could hurt me, he could hit me again.

"I-I'm sorry" "Good, just forgive me already" "Pete I..." "Shut up, what more do you want me to do?" "I want you to love me like I love you" "I do" "No you don't" "Yes I fucking do so shut up and lets forget this so we can make out"

I try to say no again but all I manage is a pitiful sob as I start crying again and push Pete away. "Pete please go away, I'm mad at you. You hit me in public and now you're about to hit me in private so I can't do this. Please go away, I'm sorry"

Pete backs away and looks down at me crying then groans and punches the wall hard "Fucking hell this is a nightmare" "I'm sorry" "Why the hell are you sorry? Don't be sorry, tell me why the hell you're crying again" "You hurt me" "I didn't even hit you" "You grabbed me and you're scary, I said I didn't want an abusive boyfriend. I don't want you hitting me for your friends and I don't want you hitting me when you get mad, stop hurting me" "I didn't hit you I was just mad" "You're mad because I said no, I want one thing and I want you to respect that. I don't want you getting mad and yelling and hurting me every time I say no. What if I say no to sex? Will you get mad and force me to?" "No I wouldn't, that's abuse and rape" "If you wouldn't for that why are you doing it for this? This is just as important"

Pete stands there with his arms crossed and sighs "Alright look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" "Please let me go" "I'm sorry darling" "I know, but I wanna leave" "There's only a few minutes left of lunch so if you wanna stay here it's ok. I won't talk to you or do anything, I'll leave if you want" "Ok but stay over there" "Yeah ok, wanna talk or something?" "No"

We sit in silence with me biting at my fingernail and Pete watching me until the bell goes and I get to my feet "Bye Pete" "Bye" "Please don't hit me" "I'm sorry" "I'll forgive you when you stop abusing me. I hate you and I hate that I'm in love with you asshole" "Yeah I kinda wish you didn't give me a conscience about everything" "I didn't give you one, I made you realise your conscience should be doing something, bye panda" "Reply to my messages?" "Maybe"

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu