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Patrick's POV

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - This is stupid Patrick
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I know you miss me
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Its not that bad to be private with this it's what we've done this whole time
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im not going to beat you up again
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Me and my friends will just avoid you and it'll be better
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Where the fuck are you
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Stop fucking ignoring me
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I know you can see these
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I'm still telling people it was a joke
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Fine whatever I'll see you tomorrow and you can't ignore me forever

Pete messages me all afternoon and night but by 11 they stop so I guess he's given up and gone to sleep. I'm glad because now I can sleep and know he's not still talking to me. I feel horrible about ignoring him but he's being a piece of shit so he deserves it. I'm starting to regret it but I know I need to stay strong and stand up for myself because I deserve more than this. I deserve someone who truly cares, not someone who only cares behind locked doors.

I haven't told Ethan even though I really want to because he'll flip his shit. I still half hope Pete will change his mind and turn up in the morning to apologise so I don't want his face knocked in. It's a very nice face and I really like looking at it and kissing it so I don't want it bloody and bruised. Pete may not care if his friends beat me up but I care about Pete so I won't let my brother do that.

In the morning there's more texts and I finally give up and reply so I can have a few minutes of peace

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Patrick dude answer
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Answer your damn phone
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - You do realise I can see you reading these
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Fucking hell I'm coming over if you don't answer

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - No don't

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Fucking finally

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - What do you want

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - To talk

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - We are talking
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - We've already talked
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - We do not need to talk

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Yes we do and you know it

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Well I don't want to unless you change your mind

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Or you could change your mind and try to treasure this relationship like I'm trying to do

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - No you don't
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Your willing to hide and lie and be an ass again just to avoid being a faggot with me instead of admitting that you love me

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - You don't understand

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - No I don't
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - We could never stay private forever this was always going to happen and you were kidding yourself if you didn't realise that and now I don't know what you want
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Im not some hidden shame or some whore your hooking up with
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Im your fucking boyfriend so act like it and get some balls
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - I give a shit about this relationship but you don't
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - I can't be with someone who's ashamed of me and hides me and hates me
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - I want love not whatever this is

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Your being a little bitch

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Well too bad
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Ill be a little bitch because that's what I think and how I feel and I'm not changing
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Get some balls and stand up for me or find someone else you can treat like crap

I throw my phone onto my desk then face plant onto my bed. I wish he'd just stop until he realises I'm not gonna change my mind and if he wants me he'll have to prove it.

I get dressed and trudge to school since Ethan's walking with his girlfriend. It's lonely but it's fine, I'm used to it and I can blast my headphones as loud as I want without anyone getting offended. I'd much rather be with Pete but it seems like I'm going to have to get used to being alone again.

Pete's eyes follow me as I walk to my locker but he's talking to Andy and Joe so I don't care, he can fuck himself up the ass.

When the bell goes I grab my books and head to class but I'm grabbed by the hair and yanked over to Pete by Andy and Joe. "Hey let me go!" "Nope little faggot come here" Joe pushes me forward and I look up at Pete desperately but he looks down at me expressionless.

"So little faggot you still banging Pete?" "I'm not ban-" "Oh shut up faggot slut, get on your knees". Andy shoves me to my knees so I look at Pete again and I'm almost in tears. I trusted this guy and I let him into my life and now he's just abandoned me when I need him. I know he did care about me but he's not willing for anyone else to know which is heartbreaking. I love him and I'd put up with bullying for him any day but he's not willing to do anything for me.

"Suck his dick faggot" Joe sneers which makes him and Andy crack up so I look at Pete again, wanting him to give me anything. He doesn't have to save me, just give me a smile so I know he cares even the tiniest amount but he gives me nothing.

When Andy and Joe stop laughing Pete pushes my shoulder so I fall onto my ass on the ground looking up at him sadly. That makes Andy and Joe crack up again so Pete rolls his eyes "Come on guys I'm done with this loser, let's leave". They follow him laughing so I sit on the floor and try to compose myself. I've been bullied, pushed around and abandoned by the guy I loved and trusted, this is the worst thing ever.

Everyone around ignored me so I pick myself up, grab my books from my locker then trudge off to class. As I walk I try not to limp from where I fell hard on my ass and doubt the hole in my heart will ever go away.

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang