Day 9

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                             and my bestie just did somthing amazing and bad. We can go to prson vor this. Oky so get this my mom asked us to go to the supermarket and buy som of those dishes chocolate covered bolls and somthing to drink. And on our way to the mall we vound MICKENZE house. nad I velt the erdge to do somthing to it so instead of buying mom's "candy" we bot a bunch a of toilet paper and tp her holl house. Then we started at it and lafd so. But then she came home from walking her dog and we were stil in her drive way and didn't know what to do. So we jumped into one of the bushes from her house and hope she won't notice us. But then her dog decided to go Potee in the same boshe we were in, he noticed us and starded burkeng. Then she noticed us, and didn't look very happy that we were at het her house in the bushes. She was so mad that she released her dog and he ran after us for like forever. Or else intel he got tired. We vinyl went home and laid down on the beds and vell asleep. But just for a view minutes before MICKENZE called me in the middle of the night. "Molan!! You ar in so much trouble. When I get my hands on you I'm going....... "Thats was me cutting her of by hanging up the foon. But I wasn't able to val asleep after that. I maen what if she does something horrible for revenge. Or maybe even worse. I just laid there all night.

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