Day 5

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So I'm standing in the girls bathroom when all of the sudden MICKENZE shows up and poshd me against the door and said that I should stay away from her and Jykip. Thats when I snapped and grabbed her bye het long loks and pulled her across the floor. And said that I'm not paint and that am not ment to be agents a wall. Then I turnd araind and walked away. I mean how rode was thar I never thought she would go that low. She is worse than I thought she was. Meanwhile I haven't seen Jykip anywhere. I'm starting to think that he just left the school. But as I was thinking that I sow him coming around the corner. I suddenly run to him and bump't into him on porpoise so that I can talk to him. "Oo hey Molan sorry. I didn't see you there. How's it going. "He ask not knowing what he was going to get"Am... Am....aaaaa...he-he-hey it's going well and with you. "I can't believe that I can still not talk to him. "Ya it's oky. Hey can I ask you something. Do you struggle to tolk or wat cos you don't seem to tolk like a normal person. "That was so imberising."No I just get nowers when I am around you Oops I mean Im... Aa my tong is am aa wery short ya thats rite to short....hehe"OMG that was the worst excuse I have ever made. "Aaam oky... Thats cool I guess "He looked so weirded out. "Ther is actually something that I wont to tellyou, you know your weerd MICKENZE. Well she is trying to make you foll in love with her again and she has a plan to. "I finally told him in frite. "What is this a joke. I can't believe this. Why on earth would I want to get back to gather with her again. She is a loonitik."He actually believes me this is amazing. Wyte why did he believe me. ARGGG a nether thing that doesn't make sense. After I told him he rushed to MICKENZE and asked to have a word with her alone. I'm not sure what they where tolking abound but she seemed really mad when they got out of the room they where tolking in. "Hey Molan thanks for telling me that you really saved me from a very horrible nightmare of a relationship I o you.". Then he hugd me and I felt like jelly. It was really the best huge I have ever hade.😍It was like hugging a cloud. Soft and amazing. I loved it.

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